anybody seen leaves like this before


Well-Known Member
Plants lookin real nice Londoner...keep up the great grow!!:joint::mrgreen:

thanx matey ;-)

He's proving what a douchebag he truly is.

He negged me again see ---> Take your noise out , Fuck londoners shit genes And fake pics from uk420

Maybe I should go make a shitload of fake profiles so I can be a douchebag too. Nah, there's plenty of douchebaggery going on here already.
nah dont stoop to his level, hes been exposed now and hes probably watching under yet another user name so the usernames that we know of so far appear to be offline, i can see him now, 45yr old virgin sitting in his bedroom at mummys house infront of his pc wearing piss stained y-fronts and a string vest, bashing one out over the budporn on RIU and UK420, ffs fake pics from uk40, i know 2 members of uk420 personally, so i think if i ripped off pics from there my fakeness would soon be exposed! like his life of lies.

my headband plant has 3 finger fan leaves
headband plant? not too familiar with that plant species im afraid :lol::confused:


Well-Known Member
heres them pics miss, can you see any clearer? had a little trouble with the camera, it kept saying not enough light to focus in macro mode, even directly under the 600hps! so i didnt have time this mornin to play around, just managed to take some by putting the camera on best quality and macro, they just took nearly an hour to upload tho because the filesize is so large (i think :lol:) what ya reckon to these? and one the other cheeses iv just noticed has the extra bladed leaves too! its the one that i topped.



Well-Known Member
lol yea you guys are backwards...... JK ive had to get used to the date format on here cos its m-d-y i still keep looking at the dates and think wtf, that dates well wrong, then i realise.........:dunce:


Well-Known Member
i so couldnt imagine driving on the right hand side of the road, and changing gear with my right hand..... urgh, thats just wrong :lol:

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Never seen anything like that before but looks pretty cool. What kinndof cheese is it. I grew GH Cheese outdoors and was very pleased. The only prob was the buds were so huge that some got mold. The rest were primo for sure!


Well-Known Member
LoL, Nice try. So perfectly semetrical, Bet you spent hours training it. LoL

i jusst wanted to point out how clearly fucking retarded that dude is saying these are fake, is he fucking stupid. my sisters plant had these. i just think its a lil tweak in the plants genes or something, like a person having 6 fingers haha i dont think its anything to worry aboutbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
im just starting to wonder if il get any calyxs growing out of the leaves :shock: two of them are in flower room now, the other was a little behind so is still in veg for a few more days.


Well-Known Member
He negged me again see ---> Take your noise out , Fuck londoners shit genes And fake pics from uk420
your not the only one..........

-------->Such a sad Basterd you are looking attation over your cheap shitty genes , Tosser

-------->Today on nobbies world you winn a mug

its know its him, the spelling is that obvious.
because he has at least three accounts that i know of he can rep someone at least three times in a day! and nobb seems to be one of his favourite words..... he must have nob constantly on his mind :?


New Member
i so couldnt imagine driving on the right hand side of the road, and changing gear with my right hand..... urgh, thats just wrong :lol:

Which makes me wonder if motorcycles are different over there too.

Right hand - brake
Left hand - clutch
right foot - brake
left foot - shifter

Do you ride? Now I've got to know :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
do i ride? only whats in my sig, i do ride it hard tho, i do semi-pro freeriding.
yea motorcycles here have the same control configuration.


New Member
I'm always entertained by the difference between UK slang and US slang. "Tosser", in my neighborhood you wouldn't even get beat up for that.

People'd be like "hey I think he's gonna throw something at me" LOL


Well-Known Member
:lol: yea its a pretty minor word here too, he obviously thinks its some serious insult tho, oh well simple thoughts for simple minds eh.............:dunce:


Well-Known Member
i love cockney rhyme. smoke gives me the seargent biggles, got an ounce in me sky rocket etc etc.. my favorite insult at the moment is whores bastard.
eg. go fuck yourself you miserable whores bastard your about as much fun as a miscarriage!
i dont use that language very much unless you really piss me off. you guys got any?