Anybody seen this before? Bud leaves disintegrating?


Well-Known Member
These are 25 days into flower. These are the only plants showing this condition.

I have been using azamax recently (won't be using again on this run). Not sure if it could cause this?

Any other ideas? It doesn't look like a bug or nutrient deficiency to me but I could be wrong.
12 01 3.jpg12 01 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I will do that when the lights come on tonight (and after the game). The leaves are not discolored, and at the fringe of the damage they are slightly white. I will also try to get a pic with my good camera.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I will do that when the lights come on tonight (and after the game). The leaves are not discolored, and at the fringe of the damage they are slightly white. I will also try to get a pic with my good camera.
Hey why dont u just take a pic when lights are off its easier?



Well-Known Member
Hey why dont u just take a pic when lights are off its easier?

I agree, he may think he would need to interrupt the dark period when taking photo's lights off
few quick snaps with a flash under low light will do no harm



Well-Known Member
Reminds me of when a friend used too much silica for a plant that isnt a heavy feeder. Looked like he had bugs eating the leaves too. Did you add anything like that recently??


Well-Known Member
budbro, interesting that you mention silica because I have supplemented with it. It has probably been at least a week since I have added any, I added it heavier about 2 weeks ago.

FJG, I thought about bugs but all I have seen is mites (not for 2 weeks thankfully), fungus gnats (under control), and one lone mature root aphid. I haven't had signs of leaf eating insects but it sure does look like it is being eaten!

Thanks for the suggestion on snapping a couple pics during lights out. I tried it but it seems my cell phone takes better pics, too much damn technology on my new fancy camera. I think pic one in my OP is the best pic. I might try to get some better ones in a bit or tonight. Here is what I just took.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Looks like something is eating it.
worms possibly. check the bud carefully. some worms eat during the dark period and hide from the light when it's on. i've caught several worms by turning the lights off for an hour or so and then turning them back on. inspect the buds and leaves immediately and you might catch them feeding. GL