Anybody wanna see a sick loli pop?


New Member
My first loli pop bitchesssss!Photo 321.jpg

Been flowering almost all of her life. I topped her once and then again on each new shoot so there are actually four buds on there all intertwined. Tell me what ya think


Well-Known Member
Did you just clip off all the fan leaves? That's pretty sweet, nice job! How much will you get off that when dry, a quarter or so?


New Member
Well I did all of the trimming a while back and those lower branches are new growth. I think im gonna start flushing next week and flush for like a week before I harvest her


New Member
when saying "sick", do you mean, sick as in not feeling well?

I dont grow, but from what ive read here I think you need to change to a bigger container and one that wont let light to your roots..something not transparent.. or put tape or w/e around that clear container to stop light from getting to your roots. Plant is cute though.. Looks kinda like a green rose lol.