Meditation has been a very effective coping tool for me. It's allowed me to become more of a watcher of the thoughts rather than being controlled by them. Sure, the thoughts are not always pleasant but they're also not always present. I'm of the opinion that we're all a little 'schizophrenic' (for lack of a better term) ..and I'm also a firm believer that we're all here to better ourselves even if that means making healing somewhat of a hobby. Some folks choose to constantly distract themselves with family, jobs, pets, hobbies etc and they may never have the opportunity to truly know themselves. I believe that we're all responsible for the path that we're on and I feel that a path of introspection, rather than a path of distraction from our true selves, is the more rewarding path. Of course, these are only my opinions based on my own experience of having battled depression for well over 45 years. Best of luck and many blessings to you
@shroomhaze. You have my support and my love. Feel free to DM me anytime. I mean it.
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