Anyone besides me old enough to .........


Well-Known Member
I cheated - here's my baby, 2yo SA Boerboel & 151 lbs 3 months ago. He'll prob pick up 20 or 30 more lbs before he's done filling out.
Talk about a baby "Monster dog".
He is a BEAUT!!! Amazing "dogs" aren't they???? I think everyone should add 1 to the family!



Well-Known Member
Its funny because I dont actually smoke weed yet (well, not in almost 20 yet again? hehe) when I see a quarter that my son or brother has bought I always say "Man I'd be pissed if I still smoked weed" So when I decided to try smoking for my pain I decided to wait till I grew it. Those prices are NUTS!



Long time lurker. First time poster.

Yes, I'm that old. My friend's bro-in-law used to drive a bread truck and we would get "bread" from him and get rid of 3/4 of our "bread" and keep 1/4 of that "bread" for ourselves. I also remember when a 1/4 oz was 7 grams - not 7 grams including your container.


LOL yeah I remember hearing a pack of gum used to be 10 cents, and you got a hockey card with it. But a pack of gum now is 2.99, so you just better be grateful the price of bud hasn't inflated as much as everything else over the years. In terms of the purchasing power of a dollar, I'm guessing you get around the same amount of bud now then you did back then.


Active Member
haha i can get an ounce of some really flame dro or some kush for $140-$190.. depending on what.. talkin about old days.. the new days are comin along. only reason why everyon taxes there stuff is becasue theres so many middle men.. when i was 17 all my friends started dealing.. haha talk about common jobs. butt thats why i keep some of them close.. cuzz they can hook it up fat. or i steal their dealers xD


New Member
I also remember when a 1/4 oz was 7 grams - not 7 grams including your container.
lol it still ur source is a dick lol u should call him out lol ask him to punch into a calculator 28 divided by 4 haha...Im only 30 so I cant remember bags like the op posted but I do remember when 40-50$ an 1/8 didn't exist and the best stuff was 25 an eight..a half was usually 40 or 50 and 60 for the good stuff..I also remember buying an elbow for 750$ and feeling like I you can still get brown brick schwagg for like 90 an ounce around here but I am talking about mids and better used to be around that price 15 years ago.

Whats even worse since we got medical marijuana here everyone thinks they can automagically put that 300$-400$ an ounce pricetag on everything midgrade and up then call it medical grade when really its worth about 200$ an ounce I have smoked some ganj that IS WORTH 400$ an ounce but its very very rare (I couldnt even find any in amsterdam that I thought was worth that after visiting 20+ coffee shops)...400$ an ounce should be 1 hitter quitter that is fresh 1 month out of drying and not some pretty looking midgrade bud (you know the kind)


Thanks to all of the replies. I guess a lot of us remember those $10 lids. My first bought pound cost me a whopping $65!! It was decent Mex and at the time, I laughed at a guy selling Colombian for $30 an oz. THOSE WERE THE DAYS!! I've currently got the allowed 12 plants going. Currently 2-4' tall. The strangest one is only 8" but has budded out on the top 3 1/2". It's about to be pulled and dried and in a week or two, I'll report on that. I'm not sure what happened to make it so small and yet budding out like that. It's the same age as my 3' ones.