Anyone bought seeds recently and have any reccomendations about where to buy them?


Active Member
I am looking for the most affordable/reliable source of seeds, that ships to the USA. Has anyone bought any recently with good luck that could recommend a site to buy from?



Active Member
See I was considering Attitude, but I read a lot of mixed reviews about their delivery times and genetics. Some people praise them and some people feel they are a flat out scam...


Well-Known Member
I ordered 10 Blueberry seeds from
I sent cash in the mail and a couple weeks later i got the seeds.
They put them in a sealed CD case, i thought they only sent a CD but after pulling apart the case they were stashed underneath.
Very good stealth. Also came with 5 free Mazar seeds. Right now im 23 Days into flowering and they all germinated, they are looking great.
Hope that helps

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I ordered 10 Blueberry seeds from
I sent cash in the mail and a couple weeks later i got the seeds.
They put them in a -------,------ after pulling apart the ----- they were stashed ---------.
Very good stealth. Also came with 5 free Mazar seeds. Right now im 23 Days into flowering and they all germinated, they are looking great.
Hope that helps
Describing the stealth packaging is frowned upon as bad form. Personally I kinda doubt it matters but some people get really pissed when you do this. Just so ya know.:blsmoke:
I am a big fan of Attitude. the people were very nice despite my ignorance, and the order was in the states and to my house in a week or so.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, I ordered from Attitude and got my seeds in less than a week. All 10 seeds I germinated have sprouted and are doing amazingly well.