anyone can help please


Well-Known Member
i just ordered 10 lowryder diesel seeds. has anyone done the same. has anyone had a succesfull grow outside with the lowryder diesel. or any information where i can find growing info on the lowryder diesel. thanks for the help. im kinda of new at this so anyones input will be much apprieciated.

thank everyone


Well-Known Member
There are a few LR grows currently going on. Search RIU kid! And you will find your answer.

Fuck it


Well-Known Member
dude read newbie threads...all of them,
then read the other threads soon you will
have read what you need to know...lowryder sucks.


Well-Known Member
that wat i thought just wasnt sure. im kinde of nervous this is my first grow of som good shit and i want it to all go perfect. wat kind of nutes should i get?


Well-Known Member
that wat i thought just wasnt sure. im kinde of nervous this is my first grow of som good shit and i want it to all go perfect. wat kind of nutes should i get?
Don't worry. You'll do fine. As long as you don't go miracle grow. I only use the devils brand, so I wont mention the actual brand name (way too ashamed).
I hear great stuff about Dutch masters new line with their own special additives. I also hear fox farm is great. There alot of good ones. Usually it's about what you can afford at the time. So the basic is a two part grow/bloom(flower), next level three part (more$), then additives (vitamins, enhancers, steroids, etc.).
You get the idea. Just don't go miracle grow. Follow the basics. Invest more $ into your lighting scheme for your area. Read up, and you should do great. Good luck kid.:evil:



Well-Known Member
im doin an outside grow so im not worried about lights. im kinda low on funds so im looking for the cheapest efficient way. (soil an nutes and stuff)


Well-Known Member
im doin an outside grow so im not worried about lights. im kinda low on funds so im looking for the cheapest efficient way. (soil an nutes and stuff)
Then you're prob already readin' the outdoor section. Good luck kid!


High Tech PoT