Nothing fancy here.
I got that box cutter about a year ago that flicks out really easy and I've been keeping it in the dashboard cubby hole since. Just a week ago at Home Hardware I bought the knife version, $25, that has the same push button to open it but the blade was too stiff on it's hinge to flick I guess because flick knives are illegal here. I pulled it apart and removed one of the copper thrust washers and it flicks open easy now. Couple drops of good reel oil helps. Sharpened it up so I can shave with it using a Lansky sharpening system gifted to me by
@cannabineer a while back.
The belt clip can be mounted at either end of the bolster so I moved it to the other end so when clipped on my belt my hand is in the perfect position to pull it off and flick it open in one smooth motion. Just as quick as a switchblade. The belt clip on the box cutter looks like it might work better and should fit on the knife as well so I'll try that. The little Swiss Army knife with a ball point pen instead of that useless toothpick lives in whatever pants pocket I happen to be wearing at the time.