Anyone eat Peyote?


Active Member
sup every1, just curious as to if anyone has eaten peyote and what i can expect from my buttons. I recently moved to mexico, and brought with me a couple oz's of some quality mushrooms. I met a mexican medicine man down here, to which i kindly traded my fungus for quite a few buttons. Don't quite know what to expect. A good friend of mine swears that it's crazy shit, and you almost have to be babysat. I am really experienced with hallucinogens, eating over a quarter of mushrooms my first time at age 14, and i'm pretty sure i've eaten my own body weight in doses of L. Anyone got any advice on what to expect, or how many buttons to eat?

RC Maniac

New Member
Are you saying you've ate pounds of LSD? That is VERY much so impossible. Evenly spread out use of that ammount throughout your life is also impossible. I think that was an intentional hyperbole but Jesus Christ thats crazy.

7-10 buttons


Active Member
I ate a button in 1975.Pretty tough to chew and swallow,but man what an experience.Don't do it alone. GL


Well-Known Member
thats some crazy stuff...ive done san pedro and almost was puking every 10 mins it was a trip lol


Well-Known Member
It is confirmed...that peyote still exist..I'm amazed!

Oh please lead me to that medicine man of yours ;)

For san pedro to be hallucinogenic it would be almost impossible to eat whole...unless extracted or liquified!


Well-Known Member
It is confirmed...that peyote still exist..I'm amazed!

Oh please lead me to that medicine man of yours ;)

For san pedro to be hallucinogenic it would be almost impossible to eat whole...unless extracted or liquified!

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Nobody including Timothy Leary has eaten their own body weight in LSD, a jar full of PURE LSD is enough to litterally get the whole world high once. It is that strong(in its pure form). That aside I think he wasn't being litteral.

Once again I see an alarming trend, bull shitting when it comes to hallucinagenics. I wouldn't suggest anyone ever eat any real Peyote(not shit cactus cuttings) without a proper cleansing and spirit advisor. In fact, if you don't know how to prepare it, Peyote is quite poisoness. Deadly even in some cases( not from the hallucinations).

If you have the chance to do it right, and at the right time. It could be an awesome thing, but Peyote is not like shrooms or LSD or even DMT. It is Peyote. It is like comparing Korn to Limp Bizkit. Really truly.

Peyote is a spiritual experience, as mushrooms should be, as dmt is. LSD, invented of course, a great tool for Doctors to cure, silly, deranged or dying people of their willies.

Peyote is not sold online, what they are most likely talking about are Cactus cuttings which contains small amounts of Mescaline(basically the THC of the Peyote plant).

One other big thing, its getting hard for even real Natives to get. The "man" e.g. the US government, has spent a large amount of money killing off all the Peyote(documented). Spreading viruses, pests, and poisons around the Southern US, and Northern Mexico Border areas. For whatever reason, they want this plant gone. IF it wasn't for Shamanesque hippies, Natives, and Spiritualist & Univerisities, there would litterally be none left most likely.

What should you expect, if you eat several buttons. About four hours of the willies, followed by uncontrollable vomitting, followed by 4 to 30 days of mind altering shit fuck. If you have ever been to a reservation and seen the guys walking around taking short and overly quick steps staring at the ground in horror, those are the guys/boys who tried tripping on it without their spirit guides.



Well-Known Member
Great historical post on peyote THE GOOD DOCTOR!

I have read several articles saying that peyote is becoming desolate due to killing the crops. I remember my great psychonaut buddy had about 30 buttons 5 yrs ago...but I never knew about peyote then because I was a virgin to the psychedelic world. I really do regret not taking him up on that offer...although he was charging mad money for the cacti. I agree that their is a lot of hype of peeps saying they've tried peyote?

Painwrek...what part of Mexico did you get the buttons? Not region..the specific location?

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Not a misgiving, personal, and anicdotal experiences.

The average human(you could be a super human, its possible) cannot handle Peyote, without proper preperations & guides.

In the days of the native, you would undergo 2 to 4 days of inense autsteritities, clensing, and for lack of a better term meditation. Drink only water, and either under the sun, or in a steem hut/smoke hut cleanse completely their system, mentally, physically, and spiritually for their upcoming quest. When their guide(shaman) was sure that they were ready, they would then and only then be allowed to begin their trip into the spirit world, which is what you are doing on Peyote. Trust me on this, the spirits good and bad know if you are ready. Then you would have your trip, any where from 8 hours to several days or weeks of intense hallucinatory exaltation. Followed by the proper interpretation of your Shaman. Same for Jayawasca in South America, Fufu in Africa, Somapah in India, Shrooms in Viking/German lands(pre Romans). I didn't make this stuff up.

There is a reason for all this preperation.

If you don't believe me, look it up, read on it, or do it yourself.

Remember, that Timothy Leary, Terrence M. etc. are all PHD super minds. Not the average blogger, in 2009 America.

Have fun on your buttons, if you find them.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Not everyone is a superhuman like you, able to skip thousands of years of tride and true techniques and traditions. Sorry for trying to be helpful, and trying to keep a few people form frying their brains. It is possible that if done right(yes I know there is no right way ultimately)they could have an extraordinary spiritual experience, instead of just staring at their hands for 16 hours.

Any way, go smoke a joint, since when wasnt that good enough? Oh well trip out, have fun, do your thing, thats why your here on earth right? Not to argue with me, but to make your way, and do your thing, well do it already!

RC Maniac

New Member
Ok I had to laugh at that. Man your missing left and right with me. LMAO Dude, I'm on probation. There's nothing I'd like more than to go smoke a joint but I can't.


Active Member
Doctor, I just wanted to say your words don't fall on deaf ears. What I wouldn't give to take part in a shamanistic experience with a guide and a hallucinogenic! I haven't tripped in a long time because I know I haven't been in the right state of mind, but also because I've never met another real "psychonaut" or anyone who really embraces hallucinogenics or even weed the way I do. Keep on passing the knowledge. +rep


Well-Known Member
I just noticed something very key...that all tribes or nationalities have their own form of psychoactive supplement...

And wonder if the toungues of those inhabitants can be easily heard or translated in the entheogentic mind!