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tap water with a little clonex....100% rate so far
Did you refrigerate your Clonex?I use to use the powder and plan tap water, then started the clonex gel with ph water trying to go along with alot of other people but the clonex gel would get real thin after a few months so i just went back to plain tap water and no rooting hormone. Everything working good for along time. I did like the rooting powder better than the gel, since it lasted for years, using same bottle just diping clones in it every week.
Did you refrigerate your Clonex?
Tap water only. The only extra thing I have ever done is scrape the base of the stem a bit on some strains that are a bit slow. Speeds them right up so all the clones are ready at the same time.
I also dose the water with some H2O2 every few days to keep it sterile.
The cannabis growing community is riddled with urban myths that are perpetuated by shonky opportunists who want to take people's money for useless products. Other than bamboo, I would say its about the easiest plant to grow in the world.
I have to agree, the environment is the deciding factor. I use plain tap water with sodium hypochlorite in. And only clean the blade between mothers.Temperature and humidity are the number 1 factor. Temps between 75-80 are ideal above 82 too hot. I have placed many strains together in my cloner many times. While difficulty of rooting is strain dependent, they all eventually break through at a similar 90+% with these conditions. The health of the particular branch that is used as a clone is more important than the entire mother's health IME. I see no need whatsoever to bother using gel. I also became less careful about stuff like razor sharp blades, too much hygiene and such. I use small amounts of H2O2 periodically. As long as i take clean healthy cuttings and placed them in that chamber, they just rooted.
These three strains are a couple days old. Here's what I did:
Im going to predict that I'll have roots starting in 5 to 7 days
- Clipped the clones at a 45° angle, and scraped the skin of the stock a little near the cut to expose more area for roots to develop
- Dipped cut and scraped area in RootTech gel
- Trimmed away lower leaves, and clipped the remaining big fans in half
- Using 70 ppm tap water in my bubble Cloner filled to an inch or so below the stems
- 18/6 light schedule using 2 T8s, around 15" away
- Hovering at 79° and above 50% humidity
I'll keep you posted
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I’m not saying powder and gel don’t work I’m saying u don’t need them, I get pretty much 100% survival regardless of using hormone, intact i think the quicker the transition period the better, dipping in gel or powder is just another stage I’d rather miss out tbh