Anyone else, Google there house and seen there pot plants in the pic!



  • Originally Posted by 209 Cali closet grower
    I did, and was like
    .Just wow is all I can say.

    Last year I did two plants, and this year, eleven.

    at least youll be the only one to know what it is. google is too fuzzy to spot allot of things in pictures​

It is for now, but each successive generation of satellite photos get sharper and sharper..


Well-Known Member
I alway's like to see which cars are in my driveway at the time. Like Raven said, you're probably the only one who really knows what they are.


Well-Known Member

There's my truck. Hahahah, glad it wasn't the old picture where my ex's car was out front too.


Well-Known Member
Mmmmhmmm, and it's a very nice tool to find grow spots as well.

After 9/11, those satellite pics were not available for years...good to see them back.


Well-Known Member
BTW, pic of my house as of today was taken back in February, not sure how often they are updated.


Well-Known Member
the pic from my apt is old as shit my old buick and ford explore is still in the parking lot i didnt even live there then that was like 3 or 4 yeas ago


Well-Known Member
The last pic of my house on Google Maps is over 9 years old. I had a kittie pool outside when they were young. I'm rather rural so they may take pic's less often.


Well-Known Member
My greenhouse wasn't up when I just checked and the trees next door are still hella small in the pic on Google Earth. At least two years old


Well-Known Member
latest pic for my area was jan 19th know your car rims are shiny when you can see them shine from a satellite looool