Anyone else growing CBD outdoor?

Booger mama

Active Member
Growing Harlequin and Dance World CBD from seed, Outdoors. This is what I've done so far. Was wondering if there was anyone else out there growing CBD? Thought maybe we could compare notes. The following is what I have done so far... my seeds germinated the 3rd wk in april so my seedlings are 2wks old. I have them under full spectrum LEDs 18+ hrs. With a fan blowing & I also placed them in a south facing window for a few hours each afternoon. I'll transplant to 30gal grow bags outside when they're big enough. I use grow bags because I like to be able to have control over the weather. We get crazy storms here that snap big redwoods like toothpicks so I like being able to move my grow bags to greenhouse at a moment's notice if necessary. I'm using Black Gold & Ocean Forest mixed with Roots Organics Rod75 as media. Soon I'll start using a urea free 20-10-10 . So far the only product I've used is neem oil on the underside of the leaves and once a week I add a little neem oil to watering for mildew and pest prevention. Any thoughts opinions and pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Mine grew with little care. Definitely could have been cared for better, but I just fertilized here and there... almost lost it due to hard water causing lockout, but rain made it survive...

I think some general maintenance and tying it for support will help... good luck..
Growing Harlequin and Dance World CBD from seed, Outdoors. This is what I've done so far. Was wondering if there was anyone else out there growing CBD? Thought maybe we could compare notes. The following is what I have done so far... my seeds germinated the 3rd wk in april so my seedlings are 2wks old. I have them under full spectrum LEDs 18+ hrs. With a fan blowing & I also placed them in a south facing window for a few hours each afternoon. I'll transplant to 30gal grow bags outside when they're big enough. I use grow bags because I like to be able to have control over the weather. We get crazy storms here that snap big redwoods like toothpicks so I like being able to move my grow bags to greenhouse at a moment's notice if necessary. I'm using Black Gold & Ocean Forest mixed with Roots Organics Rod75 as media. Soon I'll start using a urea free 20-10-10 . So far the only product I've used is neem oil on the underside of the leaves and once a week I add a little neem oil to watering for mildew and pest prevention. Any thoughts opinions and pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I grew some Harle-Tsu, Ringo's Gift, Sour Tsunami, Catatonic, all are 20:1 cbd/thc last year for making medicine for my senior dog. The plants were grown outdoors in 30 and 45 gallon growbags and came out fabulously. No topping, just natural. I use Roots 707 + ProMix hp + some psa amendment from Check out Flaco Watts u tube videos. He is seriously into soil! He also has a really good, pleasant to watch video showing how he makes his CBD medicine.
We grew 60 AC/DC # 2 autoflowering last year. Turned out to be about half male. We got several phenotypes that were more hempey but there was couple phenos that had huge dense nugs. So overall we got pretty good yield. I believe about 100 pounds. We used permaculture like growing clover and surrounding with companion plants. We had a pool in the middle to add humudity. We also grew grass with sunflowers and other herbs. It was paradise! Ill upload a pic tommrow if you like to see how it went.
Grew cbd star last year, tried it once gave me a strong bad high. This summer dinamed cbd and industrial plant cbd, candida outdoors. Planted in in 2.1 gallon pots, is this to small?
Mine grew with little care. Definitely could have been cared for better, but I just fertilized here and there... almost lost it due to hard water causing lockout, but rain made it survive...

I think some general maintenance and tying it for support will help... good luck..

Look on craiglist for water totes/tanks, put em in the shade and PH at 6. My well ppm is 750 and PH is 8 straight out of the tap but I bring it down to 6 with amended soil and they're good with an overload of organic shit mixed in the soil.