anyone else had "crispy leaves"


Active Member
I had this last grow to, more this duct tape (archive) strain than my others. I haven't seen it on the mother plant so I think it happens only during flower. had it happen to big and small leaves, looks like it works from the veins to the edge.
(this is a test)
(I've never posted images before)
20210722_105828.jpg(pay no attention to these words, I know I posted the same image twice)


Active Member
so patasium deficiency I assume. sooooo a little back ground. I'm in just ffof which I heard is a little to hot and than I was giving it many nutes. so I've been flushing. my hairs all out of wack. anyone have a guide for growing in ffof.

was thinking of going to promix HP


Ursus marijanus
Not OF but my experience was with Happy Frog. It ran out of nutrients at the two-month mark. I switched to treating it like soilless with GH 3-part nutrient, and saved the grow. Oh and cal-mag.


Well-Known Member
so patasium deficiency I assume. sooooo a little back ground. I'm in just ffof which I heard is a little to hot and than I was giving it many nutes. so I've been flushing. my hairs all out of wack. anyone have a guide for growing in ffof.

was thinking of going to promix HP
I'd stop flushing. Just give plain water if you think you've overdone it. With chemicals in soil you should be doing feed, water, feed. Or feed, water, water, feed.

What have you been feeding them?


Well-Known Member
Severe calcium deficiency - late stage. This can affect flower development ( smaller ) and root level uptake.
Stop flushing - leaching an already unbalanced soil doesn’t help shit.

Add MORE ffof as a top dress - increase calcium around 100-150 ppm ( cal mag or liquid cal ) - ph at 6.6 / 6.7. Top dressing ffof will bump nutes and simple water in . Calcium can also be in tap water.

Not sure what water type you are using but ffof will run in tap. Garden lime top dressed in can help too but calmag is easier. I spied a lower leaf with typical intervein spotting.



Active Member
Classic case of Toxic Salts Buildup. Feed it more nutes and make it worse. I'm seeing 3 or 4 posts/day with the same problem.

More is not better! This happens when overfeeding all thru veg and after the stretch then shows up mid-flower just like these.

Good luck.

that was my thought after looking around more. do you have any good links to how to monitor this? I've read a bit but I'm still working on it. I was feeding during veg to. . . stopped that.



Active Member

are my nutrients line both parts ofc.

I did uppot at the 2 month mark form 3g to 7/10g and topped off the soil after I defoliated in week 3.

I wast watering my nutes to run off cause I didn't want to deal with the ground being wet, that was a big no no right?

I had one person say calcium another say nitrogen. probably a salt build up causing a lock out of something?

I also haven't been PHing as the guy who makes the nutes suggested I didn't. I do have a pH and I think an ecc pen.
Water, Feed sounds like a good rotation to do.


Well-Known Member
that was my thought after looking around more. do you have any good links to how to monitor this? I've read a bit but I'm still working on it. I was feeding during veg to. . . stopped that.

Hardly anyone but me seems to have researched this at all and I had it all the f'n time until I figured out what it was 10 years ago. Happens easier with low RH like we have but overfeeding and high ppm tap water bring it on too.

The plant pulls up more nutes than it can use and stores it in it's leaves until it reaches the point where the salts buildup starts frying the leaves from the inside out. Can't stop it now but can slow it down with a partial flush of the same volume of the pot it's in immediately followed by a good dose of 1/4 strength bloom nutes to give it a light feed of a good diet. When lights are too warm it often first shows in the upper fan leaves as they will be pulling up extra water to try to stay cool.

Hopefully it won't make it into the bud leaves but it usually does. A slo-dry and long cure can help make the buds smoke a lot smoother and help get rid of the 'chem' taste.
