Anyone else hate potheads who commit other crimes


Well-Known Member
As an occasional pot smoker who has friends in law enforcement (none of them know) I keep hearing the same thing about us. We are all criminals and every pot head that they run into is always doing something else illegal. Another thread about a guy getting popped for possession after the police were called because of a domestic violence incident got me thinking.

Does anyone hate potheads who are actual criminals? I mean by definition we are all criminals but I don't see myself like that. I mean I pay my taxes, mow my lawn and take care of my wife, pot is the only criminal activity I take part in and all I do is buy it and smoke it. I guess I am from a simpler time when guys like Willie Nelson were the "stoners" and the worst thing they did was fire up a J driving down the road. Now we have all these rappers who flaunt the fact that they smoke and love to commit other crimes (especially violent ones.)

I mean it pisses me off here to read about the next generation of "pot culture" think its just fine to shoplift and steal from people. While I have seen a few try and justify violent crime against those who steal pot and rippers I don't think many would ACTUALLY do these things. I mean isn't pot culture about non-violence? I mean we protest, we don't firebomb DEA headquarters to get our point across. Anyone else outraged at the direction the "movement" is going?


Well-Known Member
YES!! I cant fuckin stand it.. and I know i'm prolly gonna catch alot of flack for it.. but I don't like people that do drugs either.. I know that pot's considered a drug.. but let's be real.. pot is not heroin or meth..

I consider a drug something thats chemically aletered to get you high... coke, meth, pcp, heroin, Acid... ect.. There's so much in nature that takes care of everything you need asfar as your highs go.. the side effects of man-made drugs are so horrible, that any good they may serve is severly over-shadowed.

I used to do coke, and in a small southern town, a meth addict is just a stones throw away.. my sister was addicted to both painpills and meth at seperate times... it's sad to see what some people do, and true, it's not all of them that lose their mind, and start fucking over everyone they know that love's 'em like parents, hubands, daughter's, friends and other family... more do than don't,.. and you just have to wonder, why?

Why would you get wrapped up in something like that? Why would you do that to people that love you? Why would you think like that? WHY WOULD ANYBODY CREATE SOMETHING SO AWFUL.. and I don;t mena that in a religious way.. it's just so morally and socially disguisting.. I just wanna say here man, fuckin smoke a joint dude...

I understand not everyone realises they're an addict until they're an addict.. but.. why would you even go there?

I don;t know.. I've just seen alot of teh bad sides of addiction, my father was an alcoholic dickhead peice fo shit, and my sister like i said was a meth addict and addicted to painpills.. and I always wonder, why would you go there? Like I said, I done coke a few times.. but i quickly realised that shrooms and pot were so much better.. if you wanna get high, thats the best way to go


Well-Known Member
i havent been in the pot culture for that long i normally smoke by myself of with 1 or 2 of my boys & jus smoke but i can see were your coming from why get high and do stupid, shit if your going to stupid shit at lease be in the right mind & those will be the same people bitchin"why they wont make weed legal its jus a plant" fukkin ignorance


Well-Known Member
Addiction is not a crime, though, is it? My issue, and I think I can say that what your issue is as well is with those who create VICTIMS. Those who infringe upon others are where I've got a problem. And those who are smoking weed along with do indeed give the entire group a bad name.

However, I know a few LEO and former LEO people, and they know that a lot of people who smoke are not automatically going to commit crimes that create victims. Many of them would rather deal with someone who's high than someone who's drunk, too.

You know about LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)?


Well-Known Member
Addiction is not a crime, though, is it? My issue, and I think I can say that what your issue is as well is with those who create VICTIMS. Those who infringe upon others are where I've got a problem. And those who are smoking weed along with do indeed give the entire group a bad name.

However, I know a few LEO and former LEO people, and they know that a lot of people who smoke are not automatically going to commit crimes that create victims. Many of them would rather deal with someone who's high than someone who's drunk, too.

You know about LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)?
I actually just pointed them out to another member :)


Well-Known Member
Only Crime I ever Done High Was Steal Little Debbie Cakes From 7 Eleven Back In the Day GOOD TIMES


Well-Known Member
Your cop friends say these things because those are the majority of smokers they see...the reason they see them is because they commit other crimes and get caught...your average toker isn't a criminal.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you from experience that im a straight up stoner.weed is the only thing that calmes me down and helpes me sleep at night.
but i mean ive done my far share of other drugs and the only one i got addicted to was coke and as soon as i realized i was i quickly stopped. but i still never brought other people into the harm i was causing myself. that and there is nothing with doing drugs in general if you ask me.alcohol is the worst by far and i jsut cant get over the fact of the government telling me what i can and cant do to myself ya know. but i would agree to an extent with people who smoke adn do other crimes but i mean yeah they give us a bad rep but im sure smoking is not there primary or they wouldnt be causing us a bad rep. weed is just the most common "drug" that people are caught with them......its just cause weed it popular and they associate it with every crime even though it isnt ya know?


Well-Known Member
No, I hate it when people make broad generalizations about groups of people based on the actions of a few.

What does other pot heads being criminals have to do with me? I don't think it makes ME look bad, because I'm not a criminal. If people THINK it makes me look bad, because I also smoke pot and some criminals smoke pot, well that person is obviously an idiot and their opinion is automatically dismissed.

I never heard this "pot heads are thieves" theory off of this website actually. Must be because where I live people think that about tweakers/crack heads.


Well-Known Member
what if the persons were to commit the same crimes regardless of having the privlage of smoking non tobacco product.


Active Member
it really agitates me when other people chince you, rob you straight, in this world of the enlightened "stoners" ;-) If were all in it to get fucked up, why screw up other peopls plans, drop the burner, and well burn some bud

Jay :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I never heard this "pot heads are thieves" theory off of this website actually. Must be because where I live people think that about tweakers/crack heads.
Yeah I've never really heard that either but we are always on the look out for tweek's and crachheads. I guess it depends on where you are...
I hate the potheads with attitudes that think they are hard criminals because they smoke a little every now and then. They make us look bad to every one not just the cops.


Well-Known Member
Even before i smoked weed i used to steal chocolate bars and silly sting and all kinds of stupid shit.

Now I rarely steal from shops, but sometimes i do.
Big deal.

Not payed for food at Mcdonalds etc..

Stealing the occasional Bike..
Air rifles..


I'm not giving anyone a bad name but myself, in all honesty.


Well-Known Member
Even before i smoked weed i used to steal chocolate bars and silly sting and all kinds of stupid shit.

Now I rarely steal from shops, but sometimes i do.
Big deal.

Not payed for food at Mcdonalds etc..

Stealing the occasional Bike..
Air rifles..


I'm not giving anyone a bad name but myself, in all honesty.

You're a fucking prick