anyone else have a great stoner moment


Active Member
hey guys i am preety baked and i feel like im sliding around in the universe and that the onlly tie to reality is bone thugz n harmony because their beats give me an anchor so yeah if anyone has had any life changing expierences while high tell me


Active Member
Bone thugz is ok, but the pic on your profile is some funny stuff. Get to the Choppa, hell yeah. Some of my best times is here on RIU, you cant really talk to people personally but there are so many here to help you get the best out of what you got. I bet if all of us here on RIU met it would be nothin but a good time.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of great weed moments, but I think my favorite by FAR is when I realized that damn... my back and shoulder problems were alleviated much more effectively while high then by the various painkillers and muscle relaxers my doctors were pushing my way. I wasn't even smoking for relief... I just wanted to have a good time... but I noticed that HOLY FUCK... THE PAIN IS FUCKING GONE... and all the muscles in my shoulder had uncoiled... and I was still able to function (ie: get out of bed, do things, go places)... something that wasn't happening when I was a slobbering mess on a cocktail of hydrocodone and Soma. When I realized that weed had a real PURPOSE... it was a beautiful, many splendored thing. I was so happy ... that I cried. Not ashamed to admit it.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of great weed moments, but I think my favorite by FAR is when I realized that damn... my back and shoulder problems were alleviated much more effectively while high then by the various painkillers and muscle relaxers my doctors were pushing my way. I wasn't even smoking for relief... I just wanted to have a good time... but I noticed that HOLY FUCK... THE PAIN IS FUCKING GONE... and all the muscles in my shoulder had uncoiled... and I was still able to function (ie: get out of bed, do things, go places)... something that wasn't happening when I was a slobbering mess on a cocktail of hydrocodone and Soma. When I realized that weed had a real PURPOSE... it was a beautiful, many splendored thing. I was so happy ... that I cried. Not ashamed to admit it.
Something that can do this is illegal, makes sense

DJ Crack420

New Member
haha sweet man..i noticed that my back pain is gone a year ago, i couldnt sit in class for more than 2 hours before a sharp pain in my back would happen. but i started smokin weed, and now that pain is almost COMPLETELY gone.. it still hurts from time to time, but never when im high!!!!!

but this one time i got so high, that i found out the reason why people turn emo.lmao

The Banterer

Active Member
Just talking about the medical effects, I've had trouble sleeping forever (like I can lay in bed a couple hours at night). Anyway, once I started smoking pot I can actually get to sleep (and sleep very soundly), even better than sleeping pills, which have always had very mixed results for me. It really is a shame that it's not at least available medically everywhere, as this thread just reinforces its bevy of uses in making human life better.

As far as stoner stories go, we live on the first floor of a three-story building. So one night I was out smoking on our patio and this guy walks up and is like "Hey man, smokin a little maryjane?" to which I replied "Yeah man". He goes on to tell me that he lives on the third floor and that they deal, so I got a new hookup. After our brief conversation he points to the railing and asks if I mind if he gets up there (I had no idea what he meant) to which I consented. He then hops up on the railing and climbs up the side of the building to get into his apartment through their patio. Weirdest thing that's ever happened to me out there.


Active Member
when i first started smoking it would help me sleep, now i smoke to keep me awake...... Pretty weird shit i know. As for a good stoner moment...... uhhhh i cant really remember much of anything from the past 8 years..... and i meant that in the best possible way.. haha


Well-Known Member
me and my budy where smoking a blunt out on a dirt road an dhalf way through horses where coming out of the tree into the field, we both saw this , so i wasnt the only one trippin , it was the most craziest moment I have had in my life, it had to be some good sativa but the horses where real.


Active Member
Getting higher than an atenna in a convertible and calling 411 and asking for the ghostbusters to suck up the spirit in the car that made it shit itself.


Well-Known Member
Everytime I am with friends and we are telling stories and laughing so hard that it hurts.


Active Member
haha good stories guys les try to keep this thread going for as long as possible so i have another question who out there has burned their finger on a roach of any kind. the reason why i ask is because this happened to me for the first time today it was a pretty bad burn because i didnt feel it and i had my finger on the cherry for like 10 secs before my brother was like "dude your lighting your hand on fire"


Active Member
blazin....your picture is effing HIGHlarious....I'm kind of new to this "repping" business, but in my opinion you deserve one solely for that pic! anyway...hell ya dude, I can't even smoke joints anymore bc I get so stoned I will literally grab the roach by the burning end and be like, "Whaaaaaaa? :eyesmoke:" as everyone is staring and pointing at my burning finger/hands/(one time my GD thigh!)


Hooray for bongs....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
one time i tried to change the channel with the phone, what makes it worse is i was watching the onion movie on my computer. i kept thinking those commercials in it were real


Active Member
yeah i think im gonna stay away from blunts now they are worse then joints when it comes to getting too high and burning your hand but yeah how do bongs hit? ive gotta try those


Well-Known Member
bong hits r as smooth as fuck... i have a water bong that is my fave. it does take up a lot of weed tho...
I don't think is possible to have a non-water bong (unless you use a liquid other than water, but that's just arguing over arbitrary technicalities)

blazin....your picture is effing HIGHlarious....I'm kind of new to this "repping" business, but in my opinion you deserve one solely for that pic! anyway...
check my sig.

Yesterday I was smoking a "special" hookah bowl outside my dorm and a campus safety officer came and started talking to us, but when I took a hit and blew it past his face he didn't say anything!


Well-Known Member
It all depends, really. What kind of bong do you want? Glass, plastic? Do you want a big one? Or would a small one suffice? I've seen them as cheap as $12 USD and as expensive as $400 USD... and all prices in between.