Anyone else on probation


Active Member
I am an avid toker for the last 15 years, but i got into some trouble and recieved 3 years probation. When it first started i made it like 2 months without smoking, then my buddy had some purp and of course i partaked.

The next time was nearly a year later and i just got fed up and smoke a jay.

Then about two months later after some drinking and a lil wayne concert i smoked again

And the worst thing is i still have a year and a half left.

Im losing my mind, i have to call in a stupid number every day to see if my nuber is called to drug test

anyone else going through similiar shit, how did you cope


Active Member
ugh... hate to hear it buddy... my brother is going through the same problem rite now, the guy smoked more weed than I thought was actually humanly possible... I mean we'd be smoking a blunt of the kill and he'd be telling his old lady to break some more up b4 the other one was even As far as coping with not smoking I have no idea at all, it would fin suk... I do know there are things like whizzinator etc for passing these tests if you are so inclined, but I don't want to be the one to give you the advice that gets u into trouble...
I guess, just stay up man, hopefully its legal b4 u get off probation... sry bout the shitty luk bro... GL


Active Member
same here, been robotripping about to go to beans/cid to pass the time. I had to move since I started my probation to a fucking crack town and it blows I have been trying to find a way around probation myself. a thought of a marinol script is wished for.


Active Member
same here, been robotripping about to go to beans/cid to pass the time. I had to move since I started my probation to a fucking crack town and it blows I have been trying to find a way around probation myself. a thought of a marinol script is wished for.

Well you can still smoke..just not nearly as much like I am supposed to get tested this coming up week and I just harvested some bubblegum! I have been making some money and hooking some friends up and last night they were all smoking it. As they were getting high as hell I had to take a hit or two, But it only takes like 3 to 6 days to get a hit or two out of your body if you drink water and stay active. So that is what I do, and since I do not smoke that much one or two hits of some dank makes me feel niceee :blsmoke:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dudes, in Texas, they call Probation a Rodeo Ticket, because they had Rodeo's at the prisons, and if you are on Probation, your ass is going to prison. It's a trip ticket, these people have been dealing with this shit for 100's of years. They will move you around like pawns on a chess board, at will. They command, you dance. Deferred adjudicated is a trap. There is a deal about false/positive test being done, chocalate fucking up the test. If you are serious, PM me.