Anyone else pick up the HTC Incredible yesterday??

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
LOL ... I am happy that you like your new phone .... but let me tell you this.
Apple hardware of any kind ... is way superior to anything on the market.
That is why the hardware is so expensive. (I work with computers for a living)

The Operating System .... the apple environment is so restrictive .... and that makes the product suck big cock.
So for this reason alone, I would never support that company.

But what if you could do this ....

Apple owns the touch screen technology and their hardware is made for it .... your HTC
in terms of hardware is light years behind.
Android, well ... that is a beautiful thing .... for what it represents ... and for what u can do with it.
I got this shit to work just to piss Steve Jobs off (well all the apple fan boys that I know)..... and I have flash !
What u think ??

That HTC is very nice though !!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Really? You have flash on your iphone running android? Well no version of android supports any kind of flash 10. Sense 2.1 has flash lite 4.0 thats it. So no you DO NOT have flash.

Next hardware is light year behind huh? Considering I am running a snap dragon processor and the new touch screen hardware is one of the best if not the best sensor on the market as far as touch screens go. It can read unlimited touch points with a single tiny chip. Actually the iphone 3gs is behind my phone in hardware. My phone has a bigger screen, faster processor, MULTI TASKING(without jailbreaking) and a FAR superior network...and thats just off the top of my head. So fuck your iphone. and all apple products. Even steve jobs himself said you pay $500 just to have the apple logo on the products you buy. And the ipad? lol....dont even get me started on that jumbo bullshit iphone.

According to just about every review this phone is the best phone on the market. Isnt crazy how the iphone has been out for 3-4 years and its finally ABOUT to get multi tasking...this summer. old winmo piece of shit could multi task.

Get you facts correct and learn some more about mobile devices.

And just so you cost something like 86 dollars to make an iphone and you pay 200-400 for talk about getting fucked by a company. How come I can buy a 120gb HDD for $50 but Id have to pay 200 to upgrade from 16gb to


Active Member
Really? You have flash on your iphone running android? Well no version of android supports any kind of flash 10. Sense 2.1 has flash lite 4.0 thats it. So no you DO NOT have flash.

Next hardware is light year behind huh? Considering I am running a snap dragon processor and the new touch screen hardware is one of the best if not the best sensor on the market as far as touch screens go. It can read unlimited touch points with a single tiny chip. Actually the iphone 3gs is behind my phone in hardware. My phone has a bigger screen, faster processor, MULTI TASKING(without jailbreaking) and a FAR superior network...and thats just off the top of my head. So fuck your iphone. and all apple products. Even steve jobs himself said you pay $500 just to have the apple logo on the products you buy. And the ipad? lol....dont even get me started on that jumbo bullshit iphone.

According to just about every review this phone is the best phone on the market. Isnt crazy how the iphone has been out for 3-4 years and its finally ABOUT to get multi tasking...this summer. old winmo piece of shit could multi task.

Get you facts correct and learn some more about mobile devices.

And just so you cost something like 86 dollars to make an iphone and you pay 200-400 for talk about getting fucked by a company. How come I can buy a 120gb HDD for $50 but Id have to pay 200 to upgrade from 16gb to
apple is coming out with a new iphone...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Brother ... I am not here to argue ... with you .... as I will never meet you, party with you, smoke with you ! U just seem to be out of the box kinda guy ... and that is ok. I play with code and that is the difference here.
Ya I have flash 10 rigged up. Buggy as hell at the moment .... and it drains the unit quite fast. (that is why flash is not good for these devices). I just want to watch porn ... from sites that I worked on... lol .... so for the purpose it does the job. So if I get this to work proper ... I will release it and you are going to be one of the first people I link to my code to.
(well you will not really need it I guess ... but so you can study it ... and make it better .... lol
Please understand .... I hate apple .... for it's closed eco system ... that is a big no no for us techs (my hat is transparent ...not black nor white)
The reason I am toying with this is because an apple fan boy I know, said it could not be done .... (android on iphone) .... well it can be done.
As to your tech ramblings .... have u ever taken apart your phone ?? or an Iphone ??
I program in c++,java,python .... html ...working on understanding and application of HTML 5 for the near future ... and oh ya ...been working on my own apps with android web kit for the past year ...for my little apps ... you will never see ... cause the use of them would get you booked in 5 minutes. Have you ever written a line of code ?? To do anything on any system ??
I doubt it .... cause you would not say the things you are talking about if you had a close look/inspection at the hardware from the inside out for yourself.
As for hardware in general ... what do you do for a living ?? ... while da shit grows ....I build gaming rigs ... I am not talking $ 1000 dollars machines here U can get that at your local Best Buy ... that is a waste of time ... I have a clientele that likes nicer toys. Liquid cooling, quadcores, with quad sli ... aluminium cases, custom paint, overclocked with bunch of software installed at arrival. They come to reload and buy sick machines .... cause I like to play with new hardware .... and they want to buy it ... usually when I am bored with them. Win for me win for them. Then I move to the next project.
I would never buy an apple product to support that prick Steve and his evil empire ... just get this shit for free ... and work in my spare time to take down evil computer kingdoms ... so we are on the same side here. I don't pay retail for any software or hardware (read bwn the lines here) some of us can even download hardware .... lol ... (get some cc's) .... anyone who would, is a fool or a drug dealer and has way to much money to spend. (can u even understand what I am saying here ?) Have u ever opened a hard-drive case ?? ... great place to store shit ... airtight.
Ohh update ... Now we can link steve's Ipads ... to T-mobile .... lol ... he is not going to like that for sure. lol .... that is why I do it.

Now I am going have to make android run on this toy .... lol

I am not hating on you man ... I just play with this shit all day long cause I choose to ... very easy money while I watch my ladies do their thing.
P.S I have HTC hero ... one of the early models ... in pieces at the moment as it was overheating ... cheep Chinese parts. But it runs well when it does.
Have you ever played with hydrogen to keep the cpu from melting at very high speeds ?? .... I have. Have you ever build a whole computer in a container filled with oil ... aquarium like ... so you don;'t have to use any fans ?? ..... I have.
Hey I like your phone .... do you do anything special with it .... ??
I do special things with all computers that go through my hands .... that's why these toys find me to begin with.
No, I am not comparing skillz nor penis size ... in fact I hate to compete .... I just love to play with tech.
ZZall I am saying.
And happy growing.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Man was I in a bad mood when I wrote that. I think I was out of bud! Sorry for the pissy tone. I could have sounded far more intelligent. Sounded

Please let me stand corrected and make some HONEST points. You missed the nail you were aiming for :D :hump: dunno why the hump smiley is there...anyway.

bongsmiliebongsmilie Man I love my HiSi double perc...they make amazing glass.

So I actually have written in Java. For a year. Made a few side scrolling cheap looking games. I realized I wasn't very good at it. My fingers don't move fast enough to be efficient at it. Plus I just can't handle debugging things. Coding makes me insane.

Also I have actually built...I think 2 gaming rigs. Nothing pre-assembled except the chassis. And nothing liquid cooled or quad cored. Definitely nothing built in oil! That sounds terribly hard and like it may make you want to commit violent acts.

As far as tearing apart a phone...I did have an HTC Shadow that went tits up on me and I did gently tear it apart and look at it. Phones are pretty amazing. Especially the smart ones. I do NOT build components or hardware or code software. I have the brains but lack the interest or attention span to sit for 16 hours and code till my fingers go purple. My best friend can do that...not I.

As far as paying for software...ha. I dunno when I last did that. I am with you on that band wagon. I cannot create my own hardware...that would be bitchin' though.

I wasn't trying to be argumentative. But I don't think my previous post could have been construed otherwise. Anyway. I don't do a lot with my phone because I know nothing about how to gain root on my device and how to write applications that take advantage of such. So without root this phone is just an android phone. Great phone...Incredible phone...see what I did there? should send me an application or 2. Or help us gain root on the Incredible...that'd be ridiculous.

Anyway this thread is so fucking off topic it hurts.

P.S. I have done a tiny amount of HTML also. Lol.

And to whomever said there's going to be a new iPhone?'s still gonna suck. It'll look different, have a smaller screen, and have a slightly updated GPU and cpu. Nothing revolutionary.

Good day.


Active Member
i hear htc has a scratch resistent screen, any good? although iphone software might be top notch and hardwares brilliant etc in the UK its just become a yupie bandwagon people cant wait to flock like sheep onto so any reasonable alternitive is fine by me!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Kodak Moment !
I respect you more for your last reply than you think !
Hats off to you sir.
Plus I love that avatar ... had it for years in my little gif folder .... but now I get to see it when I post to you and it makes me giggle !! (so that's pure joy for me)
Rep to you kind sir for correcting you thought process ..... nothing wrong with sounding 16 sometimes..... I am the biggest kid at heart. It can get u busted real quick if you are not careful .... but its fun !
Happy growing !

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Yo hats off to HTC for this one .... good company !

I recently returned my Nexus One to HTC for a cracked screen, my report on their customer service.

I know this is the Android section but I feel it is relevant as many new HTC phones are Android based

So I dropped my Nexus one from about 3ft off the ground, landed on its bottom right corner and ended up cracking the glass (the digitizer).

I called HTC and within 2 minutes of calling I was on the line with someone from a call center that was in America, the people sounded experienced and understood that I had unlocked the phone and advised me to return the phone back to stock before shipping it to HTC, fair enough.

Ended up mailing it back to them for a repair on Monday, the label they give you is a FedEx overnight package, I dropped it off at about 3PM and they received it at 11AM on Tuesday. When they receive the phone you get assigned a tracking number which allows you to see the status of the repair "checking damage of the phone", "repairing device". At around 2PM the next day I see that the phone is now "in repair" and at about 5PM I get a FedEx shipping notification, "Package will be delivered tomorrow by 3PM" I got the phone at 2PM on Thursday.

Needless to say, the phone they shipped me appears to be brand new, all the scratches from the 2 times I dropped the phone are gone, they have replaced all the plastic and metal pieces, it is also appears they either relocked the phone, or gave me a whole new main board as well.

- Broke the glass on my Nexus One, paid $115 for a repair, got what appears to be a new Nexus One from HTC, took 4 days including shipping time, for the repair. I am highly impressed by the technical support and quality of service over at HTC.
