anyone else smoke alone?

I just started again after 25 years of prohibition, just haven't met anyone else, who lives close enough to be a casual smoke buddy
I do tim, i also just discovered that burlington vermont has shit for recreational much so that i have to wait till i harvest to find decent flowers that will make me smile!
Lonely, I'm Mr.Lonely.. I have nobody.. for my own..

lol..nah, im never alone, and definitely never doing drugs alone. damn boppers like roaches crawling out the cracks
crack makes for stronger fiends than MJ for sure....
lay off the crystal bro... I found a lot of my friends during those days were actually inanimate objects/complete strangers.
I smoke alone sometimes, usually after a big day of work..

My partner strongly believes Cannabis is only for social situations so it can be hard finding time to myself to enjoy it.

One thing I love about smoking by myself is enjoying my own thoughts - our generation is so full of fast pace and craziness that I find sitting down alone for a smoke and being with my own thoughts is VERY helpful... Just try not get stuck on Reddit for hours, use the time constructively even if it means thinking about a future project or something.
Been smoking alone for twenty five years or so since I moved away from my smoking pals after getting married. Had one nice afternoon smoking with a new buddy (pun intended) next to the river a couple of months ago, and hope to get together again with Mr. Fox somewhere down the road. Also enjoyed a smoke with Mr and Mrs. humanrob one afternoon. Am currently having to take a prolonged break from smoking due to being unemployed and facing a likely drug test whenever that new job starts. Fucking drug test sux....

Over the years, I have gone from the getting stoned effect to more of an enlightened mellowness. I usually am much more energetic after a good smoke, and get a lot more done. Music is also one of my passions, and the vibe is always better under the influence. After my prolonged abstinence, I am sure the stoning effect will be back for a while til my tolerance level builds back up. Can't wait for the morning wake and bake. That's always been my favorite time of day for a puff with my coffee. Good ganja and good java can't be beat!
I only smoke alone because I don't like to be high around people.
Also I don't smoke until late and no one is awake.

It's a me thing.
why do you have two of these threads? you created an exact copy of this thread 30 mins ago ..any reason why?
I was trying to find this thread originally,, this thread started out as my new introduce thread long ago,, just trying to re connect with my smoke alone friends,, no biggie right
I was trying to find this thread originally,, this thread started out as my new introduce thread long ago,, just trying to re connect with my smoke alone friends,, no biggie right
no just curious as to why you would make 2 double threads within 2 years of eachother
no just curious as to why you would make 2 double threads within 2 years of eachother
please keep this one,, you can delete the new one from tonight if you wish,, i just want to connect with other New people who smoke alone like me,, thanks
please keep this one,, you can delete the new one from tonight if you wish,, i just want to connect with other New people who smoke alone like me,, thanks
i was never intending on deleting this one. just the other one. since theres no need for double threads.
we wont just randomly delete big threads like this for no reason ^_^
i was never intending on deleting this one. just the other one. since theres no need for double threads.
we wont just randomly delete big threads like this for no reason ^_^
I'm deleting both threads, it may take a day or two but I'm for sure gonna do it.