anyone else think its disgusting that christians are accepting gays now?


Well-Known Member
@UB, like when a fruitloop thinks it's OK to leave his house dressed up like a woman. I find that offensive and think they should dragged behind an F150. If you wanna be a fruitcake be a fruitcake, but be a fruitcake in private, there's no need to think it's OK to be gay in public. Lastly, if you want to be a fruitcake, don't think I want to have a conversation with you about your favorite breed of small dog. Shit, don't think I want to have a conversation about anything with you, all you can talk about is hunting for dudes, fishing for dick, and watching tight pants in football with no concept of how the game is played.

If you want to be treated as equals, try acting like normal people and don't piss everyone off by forcing your lifestyle (push for acceptance w/e you wanna call it) down everyone elses throat.
@ the pedophile bear

the first part where you use derogatory terms towards homosexuals and advocate deadly physical force is beneath comment. but i thought i would address the rest of your incredibly hetero-centric post...

if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, go ahead - but do it in private. there's no need to think it's OK to be heterosexual in public. if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, don't think i want to have a conversation with you about you favorite sports team or fishing spot. shit, i don't think i want to have a conversation about anything with you, all you can talk about is the herpes-infested whore you just banged, that chick at work you will never bang, and watching jiggly cleavage on hgtv with no concept of how to properly match fabric selections with wall paint.

if you want to be treated as equals, try acting like normal people and don't piss everyone off by forcing you hetero lifestyle down everyone's throat.

see how that works?

you fucking dipshit.


Well-Known Member
So, you're saying that you've never even met a gay person... but you've got them all figured out. All they want to talk about is 'fishing for dick'. Thanks for the insight.

My wife's great aunt is in her 80s and has been in the same lesbian relationship for decades. I wonder how she fits into your simple stereotype of homosexuals?


Well-Known Member
Going by the title I gues you're saying christians should keep killing gays?

what a dumbass thing to say.

@ the pedophile bear

the first part where you use derogatory terms towards homosexuals and advocate deadly physical force is beneath comment. but i thought i would address the rest of your incredibly hetero-centric post...

if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, go ahead - but do it in private. there's no need to think it's OK to be heterosexual in public. if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, don't think i want to have a conversation with you about you favorite sports team or fishing spot. shit, i don't think i want to have a conversation about anything with you, all you can talk about is the herpes-infested whore you just banged, that chick at work you will never bang, and watching jiggly cleavage on hgtv with no concept of how to properly match fabric selections with wall paint.

if you want to be treated as equals, try acting like normal people and don't piss everyone off by forcing you hetero lifestyle down everyone's throat.

see how that works?

you fucking dipshit.


New Member
@ the pedophile bear

the first part where you use derogatory terms towards homosexuals and advocate deadly physical force is beneath comment. but i thought i would address the rest of your incredibly hetero-centric post...

if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, go ahead - but do it in private. there's no need to think it's OK to be heterosexual in public. if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, don't think i want to have a conversation with you about you favorite sports team or fishing spot. shit, i don't think i want to have a conversation about anything with you, all you can talk about is the herpes-infested whore you just banged, that chick at work you will never bang, and watching jiggly cleavage on hgtv with no concept of how to properly match fabric selections with wall paint.

if you want to be treated as equals, try acting like normal people and don't piss everyone off by forcing you hetero lifestyle down everyone's throat.

see how that works?

you fucking dipshit.
But nobody wants to talk to gays about HGTV bro.

That Canadian

Active Member
@ the pedophile bear

the first part where you use derogatory terms towards homosexuals and advocate deadly physical force is beneath comment. but i thought i would address the rest of your incredibly hetero-centric post...

if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, go ahead - but do it in private. there's no need to think it's OK to be heterosexual in public. if you want to be a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging breeder, don't think i want to have a conversation with you about you favorite sports team or fishing spot. shit, i don't think i want to have a conversation about anything with you, all you can talk about is the herpes-infested whore you just banged, that chick at work you will never bang, and watching jiggly cleavage on hgtv with no concept of how to properly match fabric selections with wall paint.

if you want to be treated as equals, try acting like normal people and don't piss everyone off by forcing you hetero lifestyle down everyone's throat.

see how that works?

you fucking dipshit.
Lol owned +2 - Doc sounds like a moron lol, behind an F150 ... classy.


Well-Known Member
But nobody wants to talk to gays about HGTV bro.
i should have said food network to make my point better. one could watch giada di laurentis for the jiggly cleavage yet still have no idea how to cook the meal. happens to me all the time.

sorry to be so harsh, but i can tell from your epic trolling in other threads (which brought me many a good laugh) that you are too smart to have such stone age views.

if you were dumber i would care less.


New Member
i should have said food network to make my point better. one could watch giada di laurentis for the jiggly cleavage yet still have no idea how to cook the meal. happens to me all the time.

sorry to be so harsh, but i can tell from your epic trolling in other threads (which brought me many a good laugh) that you are too smart to have such stone age views.

if you were dumber i would care less.
You're pretty aright in my book, the only advice I'll offer to you (and hopefully nobody else sees it) is if you know what's going on, don't get sucked in.

Dick Moser

Active Member
i thought this post would center more on having to kick all the clergy out, at the behest of the OP.what with the talk of pedophile bears. im just wondering if the gays are as accepting, i mean im sure most of them are, about half ;) the rest i'm sure are more giving. i could do this all day.