Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

The argument was made that voter ID's were necessary to stop voter fraud....and your study says it doesn't. So voter id's are not necessary for a fair election.

I didn't make an argument in regards to voter ID and fraud. Maybe that was someone else. I understand if ID requirements provide null benefit in deterring fraud, enacting the laws requiring ID would be a fool's errand. What I don't understand is the apparent disingenuous nature of the argument on both sides. Why are we told the 'disadvantaged' cannot obtain an ID therefore this hinders voting? When I hear this it's generally argued from a place of implied racism. According to this research, voter ID laws do not affect these groups but also serve no practical purpose. A less divisive conclusion.
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Not to mention maybe if Rosenbaum wasn’t out setting things on fire and throwing rocks at people he wouldn’t have gotten into it with Rittenhouse. Had Rosenbaum got Rittenhouse's gun and shot him you all would be screaming self defense
Thank you for making a blanket statement of how I, for one, would be screaming. Need more straws? I’ve asked you 3 times to try harder, I get it, this is you trying harder. We have a guy at work like you, not bright but never gives up.
Thank you for making a blanket statement of how I, for one, would be screaming. Need more straws? I’ve asked you 3 times to try harder, I get it, this is you trying harder. We have a guy at work like you, not bright but never gives up.

You must be just getting up since you are in Australia
Oh my, your super funny. Did mom tell you to type that? Please pay attention, I’ve stated 2 times I’m from Canada. Yup it’s early, work. I see you have been meth posting all night, great effort! Oh btw, thank you for the morning coffee entertainment.

LOL I thought you said Australia plus you are kind of a dick and Canadians are supposed to be polite so that threw me off too. Won’t happen again. Good morning btw and you are welcome for the entertainment.
LOL I thought you said Australia plus you are kind of a dick and Canadians are supposed to be polite so that threw me off too. Won’t happen again. Good morning btw and you are welcome for the entertainment.
Like I said, pay attention. Actually this is polite me, sorry if I’ve offended you. Don’t let the salty tears ruin moms keyboard. Yes thank you, it makes dealing with assholes much easier at work knowing there is always a bigger asshole somewhere.
My understanding of Mr. Manafort is he was convicted of financial crimes. His sentence is for defrauding the United States and witness tampering. I can't find anything in regards to your accusation of sharing information with Russians and how that ties into former president Trump.
I guess that you thinking this makes sense that you have been spammed the big lies from the Trump propaganda army so often that it stuck if you are here posting in this thread.

Instead of being a real person and reading the information that you requested about how Trump's campaign manager gave the Russian military the data that the RNC gave to Trump on us Americans instead of doubling down with this fake shit trying like hell to pretend to be stupid about the actual facts and how it ties into the twice impeached ex-POTUS.

Which unless you are being purposefully thick, which I am guessing that you are since you have now dodged a very very simple question now three posts in a row.

Are you ok with this? Are you ok with the fact that the Data that Trump received from the RNC on us Americans was handed over to the Russian military to help their attack on us citizens?

Screen Shot 2021-11-18 at 7.16.05 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-18 at 7.16.35 AM.png

Surely white supremacy is rampant when it must be manufactured.
Right because only caucasians can be racist trolls?
Mr. Rittenhouse is free to wear whatever he wants. I believe the shirt tells you what you need to know. A bit tacky but not illegal last I checked. The "ok" symbol is an okay symbol.. not sure what you're implying? Are you discriminatory against deaf individuals? Do you realize that hand sign is part of American sign language? I think you're ignorant or being trolled.

Just so I have this right. Two white supremacist, pieces of shit on this thread don’t know what the white power symbol is. That dog don’t hunt.

A reason they use the “ok” sign is because it gives racist pieces of shit plausible deniability when they are caught using it. But you know that already, don’t you Cleetus?
Lmao!!! I told you guys the kid will get into politics!!! This is hilarious. A lot of folks would vote for Rittenhouse if he ran for an office

^^ says he doesn’t like pedophiles. Loves Matt Gaetz.