Year gonna need a hat partner.........beautiful f'ing work !
the thing I'm most concerned about is the fact that we are seemingly okaying a teenager's right to take an AR-15 into an area where there's civil unrest, that's really scary and concerning. But this is where we are with gun laws. This is why we have to have safer gun laws in place, to protect ourselves, to protect each other. It wasn't a shocking verdict. But one that poses a great risk going forward if we continue to go down this path of opеn carry and statеs determining that people can just carry- even underage people and weapons of war -- this is America. We're treading down a dangerous path
must be killer kyle's kousin...another fucking little piece of shit that got off scot free
I have to agree. And until those laws are in effect and actually working, ill stay armed. I mean we had 11 mass shooting over Halloween weekend. I dont know what those law need to be or how they should work. But this is America and guns are part of our entire government structure. Nvm that disarming the population is possibly a national security issue. I mean whos going to invade a population that has this many guns?the thing I'm most concerned about is the fact that we are seemingly okaying a teenager's right to take an AR-15 into an area where there's civil unrest, that's really scary and concerning. But this is where we are with gun laws. This is why we have to have safer gun laws in place, to protect ourselves, to protect each other. It wasn't a shocking verdict. But one that poses a great risk going forward if we continue to go down this path of opеn carry and statеs determining that people can just carry- even underage people and weapons of war -- this is America. We're treading down a dangerous path
Nah just don’t like vigilantes who align themselves with radicals
DERP ?This is an interesting observation. Earlier in the thread, someone suggested you can accurately ID immoral individuals by labeling them and observing their reaction. If there is a negative response, surely it means they are guilty. Maybe there is something to this type of thinking. A subconcious attunement with violent sexual offenders.