Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Ok then. The Jan 6 crowd were idiots that couldnr take over a grade school, and the Kenosha idiots tried to assault a guy with a gun.

Trying to do anything to an armed person is as dumb as it gets. I'd rather be alive than have my corpse vindicated.
it was mob mentality. ginger pedo thought he was safe because everyone was yelling "get him" and rushing in too. Then real life hit him at 3,100 feet per second. One less convicted pedophile walking the streets assaulting minors and destroying a community
i wish this was a meme but people are really this delusional in real life. "activists" just doing gods work i suppose

I should have included the crime of murder in Kenosha.
they didnt do shit but destroy their communities. the idea of BLM is one i support. the organization and everything they've "done"is a fucking joke. I do admire the big houses their founding members now own in the nice safe gated communities though. sweet places.

do you support the idea of "disrupting the nuclear family"?
Whitesplaining BLM.

was it "mostly white people" or was it "just some panera breads and stuff who cares"
you guys gotta make up your minds. Does video and audio evidence mean anything to you? or is that "not real" like @CatHedral said
was it "mostly white people" or was it "just some panera breads and stuff who cares"
you guys gotta make up your minds. Does video and audio evidence mean anything to you? or is that "not real" like @CatHedral said
I haven't given my personal information to you-tube so that's not available to me.

In any case, only a stupid person makes a decision like you are asking from that questionable source for information.
the south actually is starting to have a lot of economic power now....
that's why so many people are moving down here...
in my neighborhood all the houses were almost empty for years...

they were just built as investment... like I could ride all over my nieghboorhood and hardly ever see anyone driving...
now when i leave there are people in their yard everywhere lol.. cars driving all the time... walmart is allways filled up at all hours of the used to be empty all the time...pretty wierd stuff...

like in one town near me I never ever saw anyone at the boat launch and now there are like people at all hours of the day boat riding lol...doesn't make any sense...and all of sudden all these japanese are moving down here and saying they lived here for years but i've seen kids from every single school in this city and never seen one japanese in 20 years...they were planning this for a while...screw real american grow outside...don't support imperial take over of america...
Stay in school. Work smart.
Remember folks...................skateboards are weapons. Next time you see someone with a skateboard......................shoot 'em with a machine gun. That'll slim the herd a bit :rolleyes:

Yes, it's a potentially deadly weapon is used properly. Also works as a shield. I can demonstrate on you if you sign the proper waiver.
i dont give a flying fuck who started it. Nobody had to participate. if people "started" jumping off a bridge en masse would you join in? people died, people got hospitalized. let your bias make that not matter if youd like. plenty of folks are biased, thats okay.
Typical right wing fucktarded response.

"It was BLM", gets told it wasn't, "Show me proof!" gets shown the proof, "I don't care, you are biased". Now just got to wait for you to call me a sheep or some equally stupid projection on your part next.