Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Did my once monthly login to facebook. Some idiot I went to High School with sent me a friend request years ago. The only reason I haven't blocked them is because I like to see what's going on in the minds of the morons.

This is the kind of crap these idiots post. That punk isn't smart enough to finish law school. He's not even smart enough to realize that he's just being used as a prop.

Did my once monthly login to facebook. Some idiot I went to High School with sent me a friend request years ago. The only reason I haven't blocked them is because I like to see what's going on in the minds of the morons.

This is the kind of crap these idiots post. That punk isn't smart enough to finish law school. He's not even smart enough to realize that he's just being used as a prop.

The rest of the world is literally watching the demise of the American empire.
The rise in extreme conservative views and rampant evasion of justice like this little cock sucker and many other Trump retard supporters is exactly what the Chinese want.
America will fall and China will dominate. I know Republicans and democrats hate each other but if yous don't band together we will all be bowing to our Chinese masters.
Mark my words people!!!
I dont disagree. When China takes Taiwan, and it will, we'll see where the rubber meets the road in US diplomacy.

Just look at how cowardly NATO is being when faced with a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Its embarassing.
You mean the day he murdered 2 white men? He probably considered them collaborators with the enemy. In his mind it was a justifiable kill.

Some of us were fortunate to have been raised by intelligent parents. That kid was raised by an idiot racist that passed on her flawed beliefs to her son. They're out trying to claim that they're not racists. They're not fooling anyone with a functioning brain.
It’s amazing to me how after being raised by a racist father that it didn’t stick with me. I thought his racism made him a giant asshole but tried to justify it by the way he was raised so not his fault, yet it i came out of somewhat unscathed. So why some and not others? Why do some perpetuate the hate while others fight the hate? Why could I see how utterly stupid his ideals were yet my older brother is a chip off the old klan block :(.
It’s amazing to me how after being raised by a racist father that it didn’t stick with me. I thought his racism made him a giant asshole but tried to justify it by the way he was raised so not his fault, yet it i came out of somewhat unscathed. So why some and not others? Why do some perpetuate the hate while others fight the hate? Why could I see how utterly stupid his ideals were yet my older brother is a chip off the old klan block :(.
Seriously, parents do not look at their children as potential mass murderers. We just don't, in a normal family situation.
Seriously, parents do not look at their children as potential mass murderers. We just don't, in a normal family situation.
No they don’t, well I hope they wouldn’t. But they will try to perpetuate their hate for others, even in subtle ways. My situation was far from subtle. My father and his father (grand wizard) made it quite clear their disdain for anyone other than white folks. Where I live there was only one black family within 50 miles, nicest folks I’ve had the pleasure of knowing but they were never allowed to come to my place and it was a huge embarrassment mostly for the old man being such a douche that he was. One reason for his life long prejudice was he was poorly educated and believed all of the fake news he was fed……..seems not a lot has progressed MAGA :(.
No they don’t, well I hope they wouldn’t. But they will try to perpetuate their hate for others, even in subtle ways. My situation was far from subtle. My father and his father (grand wizard) made it quite clear their disdain for anyone other than white folks. Where I live there was only one black family within 50 miles, nicest folks I’ve had the pleasure of knowing but they were never allowed to come to my place and it was a huge embarrassment mostly for the old man being such a douche that he was. One reason for his life long prejudice was he was poorly educated and believed all of the fake news he was fed……..seems not a lot has progressed MAGA :(.
It's good to hear you be so honest about your upbringing. Sorry you had to deal with that shit. America has a far bigger part to play than hating blacks who slaved them selves to death to make a few white people wealthy.
If America goes pretty much the rest of modern western society will go with it.
What happens in Taiwan will be a catalyst event for the world's future.
It's good to hear you be so honest about your upbringing. Sorry you had to deal with that shit. America has a far bigger part to play than hating blacks who slaved them selves to death to make a few white people wealthy.
If America goes pretty much the rest of modern western society will go with it.
What happens in Taiwan will be a catalyst event for the world's future.
The slave economy made the whole country wealthier and more powerful than it ever should have been. There are many people who fear that the pendulum is swinging towards full equality and true freedom, not just for white folks, and that can’t happen. As for America going anywhere, I’m not sure what you mean? It ain’t going anywhere and it will be a long while before it gets better as it’s pretty fucked up IMO. I also don’t think anyone under 45 gives a fuck what China is doing be that good or terribly naive. But yes they will care if Taiwan falls……it’ll be hard not to. :(.
The slave economy made the whole country wealthier and more powerful than it ever should have been. There are many people who fear that the pendulum is swinging towards full equality and true freedom, not just for white folks, and that can’t happen. As for America going anywhere, I’m not sure what you mean? It ain’t going anywhere and it will be a long while before it gets better as it’s pretty fucked up IMO. I also don’t think anyone under 45 gives a fuck what China is doing be that good or terribly naive. But yes they will care if Taiwan falls……it’ll be hard not to. :(.
I was going to reply,
It's good to hear you be so honest about your upbringing. Sorry you had to deal with that shit. America has a far bigger part to play than hating blacks who slaved them selves to death to make a few white people wealthy.
If America goes pretty much the rest of modern western society will go with it.
What happens in Taiwan will be a catalyst event for the world's future.
Wait. Stop the thread. "Blacks who slaved themselves to death" doesn't ring any alarm in your head besides the racist cowbell? lol
I also don’t think anyone under 45 gives a fuck what China is doing be that good or terribly naive. But yes they will care if Taiwan falls……it’ll be hard not to.
Considering most of the world's micro processors are made there among other things, it would leave on Helluva hole in the global supply chain, made even bigger by major sanctions against China. It they coordinate with Russia in the Ukraine and take Taiwan there could be big trouble. However China has got the world by the nuts right now and is growing about as fast as is possible, why would they want to rock the boat? They've got big internal financial issues and corruption to deal with right now, but Xi could need a distraction from internal troubles. I don't think he's that stupid though and knows wars are full of unintended consequences, besides the Chinese economy is in a rather delicate state right now.
Considering most of the world's micro processors are made there among other things, it would leave on Helluva hole in the global supply chain, made even bigger by major sanctions against China. It they coordinate with Russia in the Ukraine and take Taiwan there could be big trouble. However China has got the world by the nuts right now and is growing about as fast as is possible, why would they want to rock the boat? They've got big internal financial issues and corruption to deal with right now, but Xi could need a distraction from internal troubles. I don't think he's that stupid though and knows wars are full of unintended consequences, besides the Chinese economy is in a rather delicate state right now.
I recently read that our involvement in Indochina cost six times as much as the Apollo program, from first designs to the fall of Skylab.
It’s amazing to me how after being raised by a racist father that it didn’t stick with me. I thought his racism made him a giant asshole but tried to justify it by the way he was raised so not his fault, yet it i came out of somewhat unscathed. So why some and not others? Why do some perpetuate the hate while others fight the hate? Why could I see how utterly stupid his ideals were yet my older brother is a chip off the old klan block :(.
Yeah, its weird. I was raised by racists in California. N words everyday. As I grew up, I recognized that blood is blood. My body will accept the blood of any person across the world given proper type, of course. And we all bleed red FFS. That changed me.
Yeah, its weird. I was raised by racists in California. N words everyday. As I grew up, I recognized that blood is blood. My body will accept the blood of any person across the world given proper type, of course. And we all bleed red FFS. That changed me.
My old man never used the N word but “coloured” was. He made it very clear about his feelings though. My grandfather never once said anything about black folks but I knew his past and that past includes the klan when he was in Florida but they lived here in Canada for the summer months and honestly we had very few POC here in those days. But ya the American side of my family were a bunch of racists unfortunately :(. Your right though, we all bleed red and we can all be giant assholes at times. But to be an asshole because someone has a different skin colour is just fucked up and very dumb.
I recently read that our involvement in Indochina cost six times as much as the Apollo program, from first designs to the fall of Skylab.
Yes I’m sure that’s accurate and telling. And here we are ……. scared as hell that China owns the world. Do you think it was more for peoples rights, or people getting rich? Yup I know stupid question :(.
Considering most of the world's micro processors are made there among other things, it would leave on Helluva hole in the global supply chain, made even bigger by major sanctions against China. It they coordinate with Russia in the Ukraine and take Taiwan there could be big trouble. However China has got the world by the nuts right now and is growing about as fast as is possible, why would they want to rock the boat? They've got big internal financial issues and corruption to deal with right now, but Xi could need a distraction from internal troubles. I don't think he's that stupid though and knows wars are full of unintended consequences, besides the Chinese economy is in a rather delicate state right now.
Yes it would cause a shit storm. But I gotta say it’s not really even on my kids radar :(. 30ish people don’t seem to watch much news so it seems :(. I don’t blame them, it’s pretty mentally draining :(.
One US aircraft carrier costs nearly as much as every nation on Earth spends on "defense"

We are out of control
A new carrier costs $13.3bn per Internet. Looking at Wiki, Israel at $21bn/annum could afford a carrier. And they are fourteenth worldwide for military budget. USA remains the 900-lb gorilla.

What worries me more is the new generation of weapons (buzz word is hypersonic) designed to fight a nuclear/type war without actually going nuclear. Both Russia and China are actively developing this next generation. If we don’t vigorously follow suit (and I have no clue if we are or not) we could possibly get Pearled again.