Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?


I got some nut job chasing me. I shoot the fucker once and yell at him to stay down or I'll blow his fucking head off. 99% will stay the fuck down.

Ok Bodegabud has a MACHINE GUN.

He has some nutjob chasing him. He turns around and says..."EAT IT MOTHERFUCKER!! BLAMBLAMBLABLABLAM!!

That's the difference between you and me Bodegabud. You sir are a murdering cocksucker without a heart. I am a more tender shooter and have slight feelings about other human beings.

You do you Bodegabud. You do you :rolleyes:

He was a pos threat and an even bigger pos now that we know he rapped 5 little boys. Either way the threat was taken out
don't bother with him, he doesn't even fucking care about rittenhouse, he just wants to troll doesn't matter what subject we're talking about, he'll do the same shit. i'm just waiting to see what he has to say when trump, greene, brooks, meadows, gosar, boebert, biggs, cawthorn, and undoubtedly several others are in prison for sedition, and barred from ever holding public office again, because that day is coming, later than i'd like, but way sooner than he thinks

Do you think I am even concerned with all that stupid waste of time? Just more nonsense
Thanks to children like you that have no concept of the law. Just an underdeveloped frontal cortex that hinders you from showing any kind of wisdom or common sense.

And no, I dont surmise you'll understand that either.

The law says you can defend yourself if your life is endangered. Yes he can be charged with other stuff but not murder. Why is that so hard to understand? Like if a gang member shoots another even if he had the gun Illegally it’s still self defense if his life was endanger
Honestly I’m not trying to troll you guys but sometimes you leave yourselves open because you are so sensitive and immediately jump to name calling and insults. What’s so fascinating with this trial is how opinion divides down party lines when it shouldn’t. The left sympathizes with the people shot and the right with Rittenhouse. What is scary is that this political divide goes into the courtroom and can impact outcome of cases. That should have us all concerned not particularly about this case but all cases. The other thing is how “ Protesters” have been harassing prosecutors or threatening jurors which in itself is a threat to our judicial system and our democracy.
This guys coach is fired

I’m sure he feels bad about shooting them even though they were all shit bags and it was self defense.
Honestly I’m not trying to troll you guys but sometimes you leave yourselves open because you are so sensitive and immediately jump to name calling and insults. What’s so fascinating with this trial is how opinion divides down party lines when it shouldn’t. The left sympathizes with the people shot and the right with Rittenhouse. What is scary is that this political divide goes into the courtroom and can impact outcome of cases. That should have us all concerned not particularly about this case but all cases. The other thing is how “ Protesters” have been harassing prosecutors or threatening jurors which in itself is a threat to our judicial system and our democracy.
No need to be particularly concerned about a 17 year old kid being able to walk down a street carrying an illegal AR in the middle of a riot and the cops waving at him? MAGA!
No need to be particularly concerned about a 17 year old kid being able to walk down a street carrying an illegal AR in the middle of a riot and the cops waving at him? MAGA!

I’d rather my kid be like Kyle instead of the riffraff and band of misfits starting fires and destroying property in the community. Nobody mentions those kids
I’d rather my kid be like Kyle instead of the riffraff and band of misfits starting fires and destroying property in the community. Nobody mentions those kids
You would rather your kid be out with illegal weapons shooting and killing people rather than those?
You must live in a really shit place.

It's a worry that America has nuclear weapons...
I think you need to make voting compulsory and get rid of this archaic Electoral college scam or bring in a licence based on IQ to breed.
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You would rather your kid be out with illegal weapons shooting and killing people rather than those?
You must live in a really shit place.

It's a worry that America has nuclear weapons...
I think you need to make voting compulsory and get rid of this archaic Electoral college scam or bring in a licence based on IQ to breed.

I didn’t mean the shooting part just the Good Samaritan. Had that pedo not attacked him we would of never heard of Kyle Rittenhouse
I’d rather my kid be like Kyle instead of the riffraff and band of misfits starting fires and destroying property in the community. Nobody mentions those kids
I didn’t ask who you wanted your kid to be like , I asked if you should be concerned about him being able to walk down a street in midst of a riot carrying an illegal AK and cops waving at him, simple question? But now that we’re here. I would rather my kid not be stupid enough to grab his illegal AK and head to a riot no matter what his intentions were, and I find this Good Samaritan thing very suspect as Good Samaritans typically don’t bring guns along on their good deeds. So with that in mind we would have never heard of him if he wasn’t an idiot. But I get it, 2nd amendment, no training to get a gun, freedom =……..MAGA.
actually it would be pretty easy but they wont allow the video from two weeks prior where hes on video saying he wants to kill protesters
Yeah they have been setting it up for this radicalized idiot off since before he was even in custody.
I believe they asked for this because of what the Prosecutor brought up after the judge already told them that the evidence was not allowed

just an easier way for the defense to end the trial…
The judge during this trial though didn't say that it was not allowed, the judge said that they could call the protesters rioters and looters, and not victim for the people shot and killed by the idiot kid, and that they couldn't bring up his partying with the racist Proud Boys, nor his beating up a girl video, but left this one as 'we will see'.

No I get it. It was a good kid in a shitty situation. You have to look at intent. The people he shot went out to create chaos and damage and he went out to protect the community against it.
Good kids beat up girls and hang out with white nationalists at a bar with the shirt 'Free as Fuck', talk about how they wish they had their AR when they see some black people leaving a CVS, break a city wide curfew, drive across state lines without a drivers liscense, kill someone instead of packing up and going home when it is obvious they are in a volatile situation, buy a gun illegally, take that gun that is illegal for them to have out into a city?

I mean what kind of pos lights a church on fire? Shot 2021-11-11 at 7.31.34 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-11 at 7.30.46 AM.png
Yeah they have been setting it up for this radicalized idiot off since before he was even in custody.
The judge during this trial though didn't say that it was not allowed, the judge said that they could call the protesters rioters and looters, and not victim for the people shot and killed by the idiot kid, and that they couldn't bring up his partying with the racist Proud Boys, nor his beating up a girl video, but left this one as 'we will see'.

Good kids beat up girls and hang out with white nationalists at a bar with the shirt 'Free as Fuck', talk about how they wish they had their AR when they see some black people leaving a CVS, break a city wide curfew, drive across state lines without a drivers liscense, kill someone instead of packing up and going home when it is obvious they are in a volatile situation, buy a gun illegally, take that gun that is illegal for them to have out into a city? attachment 5026331View attachment 5026332

according to this i was i gave you 'love' as opposed to 'angry' which i am.
The victims families will sue rittenhouse & his mom in civil court for wrongful la OJ simpson. And the guy who gave him the gun.

i was just going to bring up OJ..remember the Dancing Alito's? The State got her hair done..if it doesn't fit you must acquit? and Robert Kardashian?

now that shit was a spectacle- and look at OJ now.

My daughters were 2 and 4; we were building a house..ahhhhhhh such is life.