anyone ever been caught/raided for growing and/or having more than a few lbs. in CA?

hey people! first time post here.... first off, im not a little kid so please reserve your assumptions...

my question is... what would happen if your caught in california with more than what you could say is "personal use"? say maybe 24 mature plants and/or a few pounds? what would be the penalties for a 1st time offender?

my brother and i both have mmj cards and live together so I'm just curious about what might happen if we're raided and have more than the reasonable amount... our county says 6 mature OR 12 immature per person. we both also like making extracts/ edibles because we prefer not to smoke. does that in some cases, justify having more plants?

ive read ca norml's site and cant get straight answers. i know what the book says but whats realistic? has anyone in cali (specifically southern cali) ever been raided and had about that many if not more? what happened? did you go to jail/serve time? how much were the fines? how much did you get busted for?

ive read that the FEDs dont get their hands dirty unless its over 99 plants. how true is this?
ive also herd that a lot of people get raided by LEO and they only take their extra plants. may be destroy their garden and/or take equipment?

please share your experiences/ thoughts/ stories you've herd...

and give details/ elaborate.

p.s. if you dont have anything positive/ supportive to say, please dont bother posting. thank you! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The amount allowed varies by county, but if in doubt, assume six mature plants is the number that's safe. That's the number police are told not to bother with. Any thing more and they'll most likely arrest you and allow you to make your case in front of a judge. Once in front of a judge, you and your lawyer will make the case that the amount you have on hand is medically necessary. If you can prove this to be true, then your free to go. Otherwise you'll spend the next few years in a county prison.


Well-Known Member
Been growing for many years in So Cal. I've had multiple visits by police (usually 1x - 2x a year) and as recently as last month, even had a police helicopter hover over my crops, sound their sirens & lights at me, while they did a quick count. However, I've always stayed within the six count so they've never do anything but count my plants and leave. In fact, they never even asked if I was growing legal or if I had a Rx. They assumed if I was growing six or less I was legal and if I was growing more I was doing it illegally. I don't know if that's how all cops in So Cal are, but in my area that's what I've encountered.

My friend, who lives in Orange County (I'm in the Inand Empire) he lives with five people who all have their cards. His backyard is amazing, with everyone growing their max and I wouldn't be surprised if some were growing a little more then that. Its his first year and so far he hasn't had a visit by police. Ask me again in a year and I'll tell you if he's still around growing.
hey thanks for the quick reply! thats cool man im in the I.E. too. so if i have a few people with their med cards, i could essentially justify lets say 24 plants if i have 4 card holders together? would we all have to live in the same house?


Well-Known Member
Until my friends get a visit by the police, I'm not ballsy enough to do that. I keep it under six even though my gf has her card. Technically I'm allowed twelve on my property, but I just don't want to risk it. I know for a Fact, the police don't care about six and my plants get huge. So I really don't need more. Although I'd love to be able to grow 12+ just so I could start breeding and growing my own landrace strains.
right on man. yeah i have a friend that grows a nice amount because he grows for multiple people and hes been at it a while. he tells me that cops or feds dont really care too much if its under 99 plants and its nothing you'd do time over. kinda like a slap on the wrist. still, im a little sketchy about doing more than my limit under prop 215.

just curious, hoe did LEO find out you were growing? and what do you think about CGE setups for keeping things on the down low? do you think they can still see your grow room if its completely sealed up with no venting and just run a dehumidifier and a/c with a fan an carbon scrubber inside the room and maintain a constant 78 degrees? my house doesnt get much cooler than 80 in the summer cuz i dont run the house a/c very much.


Well-Known Member
We got new neighbors and they reported me. I assume it's because they have small kids and are being over protective. I know at the time they had just lost a dog due to poisoning. So they might have been a little extra paranoid.

The first time police were called they parked in front of my house, knocked on my door and told me my neighbor was robbed and they wanted to see if the guy was hiding in my backyard. They didn't even check the other house to see if there was any signs of a break in. I seen them when they pulled up and they went right to my door. So I knew their story was a lie. So I told them, sorry, I can't. The back door and gate are locked. I don't have the key. They left then came back a week later really early in the morning. By then, I figured they already knew, so I yeah, go ahead and search my backyard. They seen the plants, did a quick count, apologized and left.

Now they just fly over and do counts. They aren't even sneaky about it. They hover really low to the point that it's annoying. It shakes the windows and house really bad. The few couple of times I just stayed indoors. But once I happened to be outside watering. I heard them so I went under a tree, which had shade, so I could see them better. They freaked out when I did that and sounded their sirens and lights. They asked me to come out in the open over the loud speaker. I did. Then they I guess recognized me because I heard them say, Oh that's the resident. Then they flew away.

So I guess they thought I was a possible thief and were actually protecting my crop. Go figure!

I can't tell you how happy I am since Prop 215 passed. It's so nice doing things legit. I really don't want to mess this up by growing inside or going over my limit. And I also know their helicopters are equipt with FLIR, because they made such a big deal about it in the news papers when they first got them. To get around the FLIR I'd have to invest in good ducting and push the air under the house or through water to cool it off. Bah. Not worth it. I grow the most potent weed I can for myself. I don't make any profits off it. Which I an't gonna lie, is really tempting seeing how much these dispensaries charge for an eight.


Well-Known Member
I think I like my methodology over having the cops in my house a couple times a year. Damn. Do they call first? Send a postcard like a dentist? Do any ask to stop by after they're done with their shift? Do they compliment the grow and say this is much better looking than your neighbors?
<@ vindicated. >

oh ok, so you grow out doors grow outdoor but i have scumbag neighbors that would definitely rob me blind. plus ive always have the consensus that indoor was better than outdoor. at least in my experience. ive yet to find some outdoor that knocked me on my ass completely but i guess ya never know.

ive been doing alot of research about flir and ive decided to do a closed grow room with co2 and dehumidifier/ A/C and use a bad ass carbon scrubber. i dont think ill have any problems with f.l.i.r. i plan to go over board with thermal berries.


Well-Known Member
Never had outdoor that knocked you on your ass completely? Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not outdoor, but grew up with a bit....Good luck with everything man, I hope to have a nice Room one day instead of my current confines.
yeah, im working on it atm... its just the cost! at least the way i want to do it. im super anal over everything and i have to go over board with every thing i do... lol, its like a sickness! i can't bring my self to cut corners:bigjoint: