Anyone ever get busted?


Well-Known Member
quit being gay together guys...

Nah, I've never got cought... even though I've only been growing for a month! hehe.... I havn't heard of anyone here getting cought... guys?

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
I don't even know any body that has been busted for growing.

I read in the local paper that this person got caught with 5 plants he got one year.

4 plants would have been a $500 fine.

This is not a good topic because you attract what you communicate and think.


Active Member
I have heard plenty of things happening about arrests. Most of the time it is big cash growers that have over 100 plants. Good example is the Tennessee Marijuana cave. As far as small time growers those stories are not as common. There was a guy named Robert Randall who was caught growing two plants in his house ( for glaucoma). He took it to the Supreme Court, won, and got into the compassionate drug program.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Three possession charges here in a 35 year was a home bust in college with piggies and guns blazin in and us stoners sitting there going " just killed my BUZZ!"

then I got my med card...and now...well they can *all* FUCK OFF AND DIE!

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Let us all take a moment of silence. For the P.O.W's in this stupid Drug War.
They are our friend's and family loved ones.


Well-Known Member
about 17 years ago i was caught cultivating 36 plants in my enclosed carport
they totally ambarrassed me in front of all my neighbors. DEA SWAT and local cops there must have been 25. once the head dective got there they realized they just did a illegal search as my girlfriend couldnt prove she lived there. as a result the arresting officers had to realease me. 19 months later i recieved 57,800 in damages before attorneys fees. this was the most profitable grow i ever did to date.


Well-Known Member
Bravo, abud! Nice way to stick it to them.

I've never been busted and I don't even have as much as a misdemeanor in my life. My stepson did bust us a month ago, though and that was traumatic enough.