I ordered from what I’ve heard to be a reputable seed bank. It shipped super quick and I have a tracking number but it says it’s been sitting in customs office for like 4 days now.Hundreds of orders over 30+ years and I've lost 3 packages to Chicago ISC, and that's it, everything else came, from both international and domestic sellers. Those three that were intercepted were sent again by Attitude (had delivery insurance) and I received them the second time. I've never had a concern ordering from Domestic banks. Also, I've sent cash all over the world back in the day, and dozens of times to domestic banks, and I've never had my cash stolen once either! I even just received my first seeds from India. Not to rub it in your face or anything lol...Did someone rip you off or what?
I ordered from what I’ve heard to be a reputable seed bank. It shipped super quick and I have a tracking number but it says it’s been sitting in customs office for like 4 days now.
Perfectly normalI ordered from what I’ve heard to be a reputable seed bank. It shipped super quick and I have a tracking number but it says it’s been sitting in customs office for like 4 days now.
Luck of the drawWhat's an average time to be hung up in customs? Or is it just what it is?
Same and mine are also from herbiesMine have been sitting in customs since July 29. They are the seeds I won here from Herbies so I'm not terribly worried about it, but it is annoying. Haha
Nice. If mine get released or delivered, I'll give ya a heads up!!Same and mine are also from herbies
Truth!!Someone in Chicago has a nice seed collection.
Im not even american and even ive heard your chicago mail sorting centre seems to be where seeds go to dissapear according to on here anyway lolTruth!!
Herbies are good people. Ive known them from when they were originally in the uk an in a shop called hocus-pocus. You should have no worries with there side. As for customs sometimes, especially around the virus lockdowns things were being held for upto 3 months. I wouldn't worry to much about four days, id say nowadays 3-10 days is about average. Lets us know when you get any more info. Good luckI ordered from what I’ve heard to be a reputable seed bank. It shipped super quick and I have a tracking number but it says it’s been sitting in customs office for like 4 days now.