Anyone ever had skin rash?


Well-Known Member
ive never had a rash, but I have had some nutes and ph up/down chemically burn my arm from them splashing my arm and me not knowing it was on me

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Well-Known Member
wow that's crazy as hell anyone being allergic to cannabis. i've heard people say they were but usually thought they were being paranoid and imagining that they were having a reaction of some sort.
this is the sort of thing that needs more research, why do some people have a adverse reaction to something that's healing to nearly everyone else? is it genetic in the person, or something environmental or dietary causing them?
my sympathy to folk who are cause i love hemp seeds and add a bunch of leaves in my diet on a regular basis as well as cooking with hemp oil, eating edibles, using hemp shampoo and skin lotion. and i smoke a little bit...


Virtually Unknown Member
you would think if you had skin rash you would also exhibit some respiratory symptoms as well. I wasn't aware that anyone suffered a rash from this either but I guess we shouldn't be surprised. 50 years ago you wouldn't think twice about giving a kid a peanut butter sandwich but now it could be a death sentence.
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Well-Known Member
you would think if you had skin rash you would also exhibit some respiratory symptoms as well. I wasn't aware that anyone suffered a rash from this either but I guess we shouldn't be surprised. 50 years ago you wouldn't think twice about giving a kid a peanut butter sandwich but now it could be a death sentence.
My wife cannot be in my GR for sneezing. Once it is on fire, she is fine.

El Cunado

I started to get a rash too. I might need steroids. Been using topical only which has helped a little.

Rash started when my seedling popped out of the ground. Its on my inner arms, migrating to my back and legs. Itches like hell occasionally


Well-Known Member
The only thing Im happy to have on my hands in the grow is Neem oil. I've got eczema and that's the only thing that doesn't irritate me.

Try it on the rash, diluted of course.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Never and i mean never touch ur dick or vag if ur a girl after playing with ur flowering plants cause ur gonna regret it! Also never towel up any spilled rez water or nutes. U better of washing that towel 5-6times before use.
u can tank me laterbongsmilie


Has anyone ever developed a skin rash from their plants or nutrients?
Im the same way, if I touch the plants with no gloves I start to get hives and I get all blotchy and itchy. I have very bad allergies to literally any thing that is a plant. Pollen, trees, grass (the kind that makes up a yard lol) go to your doctor and get tested for allergies. Best solution is to wear gloves of some sort and if you brush up against the plants after youre done in the garden wash your arms with dawn dish soap and you should be good in 10 minutes. Hope this helped!


Well-Known Member
This used to happen to me very often... After dealing with the garden daily it just went away.. And lately I been getting same looking rash after touching my dog. If I give my dog a hug my arms get all red and get white bumps. They itch really bad and then go away about a half hour later.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
This used to happen to me very often... After dealing with the garden daily it just went away.. And lately I been getting same looking rash after touching my dog. If I give my dog a hug my arms get all red and get white bumps. They itch really bad and then go away about a half hour later.
Thats calle fleas! Wash that mutt and put flea meds


Well-Known Member
It's strain and person specific. Going shoulder deep to thin the big outdoor plants, long sleeves help a ton. I actually worked for a guy that couldn't be in his own house while trimming was happening. He swore it was from accidentally sniffing a chlorine bottle while on acid. If you think about this plant evolving with the trichomes to discourage animals from eating it, it makes sense. Not many animals want to eat a raw flowering plant.