anyone ever have mold probs growing outd...

On the calcium chelate , Do you know how much to mix per gallon. I can't seem to find a lot of information online and would like to simply go to the supplement store and mix up my own. Tia...
Just basically axed a full indoor harvest due to mould, warm humid weather in the uk atm, is a fucking pain. Outdoor grows here this year are bound to suffer heavily.
i was doing some research earlier and found that cinnamon in a good way to ward off insects and mould not sure if id sparkle that on the plant itself but I've read it's fine for the soil
so i should add it every time i mix up new soil
Yes, just mix it in.

Some also top dress with it.

You can get it at just about any gardening store for far less than the hydro shoos.

Comes in either granulated or powdered form. Powdered also more expensive.

Dissolves readily, so I go with granulated, mix in soil, far less expensive and plants love it.
I've already got some appreciate the info. man...i think its powder its in a huge bag it says lime but it has something else written on it ill check it out this evening and let you know