Hi All.
I'm sure the guy was talking about something different than air layering, which by the way is usually only used on plants that experience problems taking cuts the usuall way.
Air layering does work fine, BUT it is usually only used on the more woody part of the plant, (one has to strip PART of the "bark" away and then wrap some kind of moisture retentive material around to stimulate rooting at that point, due to the lesser amount of moisture the plant can now draw).
I've only ever done it on Ficus (and a good while ago too). but I don't see how it wouldn't work on weed, but the plant would need to be a mature mother, I'm sure taking multiple small cuttings is a more efficient way.
BUT I'm sure the guy meant planting the cut end of the branch to get more roots on the end of the branch to help uptake, IE more roots.
This couldn't work though, could it???? surely the sap/moisture will only travel one way in the plant/branch, and that is UP to the leaves that are transpiring away the moisture???
Nice to see poeple are thinking about things for a change though.
Toodle Ooo