anyone ever tried this???


Well-Known Member
I have never tried taking a clone from a budding female and was wondering if anyone has and if there was anyway to stop the budding process in the clones. I haven't felt the need to do this before but I have a female that I can't resist the urge of trying to keep around. I took two clones of her before going to flowering but neither of them lived, so now I am stuck trying to pull off a miracle.:spew:
I think it can be done I have not tried it but haveeen it done on other threads, clone like normal, the clone will revert to veg state.
I have never tried taking a clone from a budding female and was wondering if anyone has and if there was anyway to stop the budding process in the clones.
I have done it many times. Just clone as normal. Put into 18-24hr light. I do 24hr. That will stop the flowering. It will take some time as the plant has lots of work ahead. First the flowering hormones need to stop and actually reverse into veg. It will stop growing and the roots will develop. After roots develop the plant will sprout new growth that will looks strange at first but will be growing normal in no time. Dont forget the veg nutrients. You said you lost the clones you took the first time. Do you know what you did wrong? If not you most likely do it again. Its important to learn from our mistakes. You can also let the plant flower out and harvest all but the small lower branches. Put the thing in 18-24hr and it will reveg. This works well as you dont need to develop new roots. It takes just as long to turn around but it will. I would try to clone again just to get the practice and if they die you can still re veg the plant. Hope this helps
I have an emergency clone that i had to take when i broke off a node from a flowering plant. I did my normal cloning ritual and its been sitting in my cloning chamber for over a week now. It doesnt have roots yet, but its holding on. I completely expect it to root, but i equally expect it to take about a month.
bro it can be done take a different amount a time for each cutting these are from a plant thats been in flower 3 weeks at the time and had been in the RR for about 9 days...


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Don't forget you can also reveg after harvesting and then clone it once its grown back. Can def be done though, cloning in flowering I mean.