Anyone ever used Miraical grow

I just run out of my house of garden nutes And I only have about 3 weeks left before I cut my girls down and was wondering has anyone ever used Miriacal grow nutes. Also even for a whole grow. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I used MG all purpose nutes for my last outdoor grow, and this current grow, until the third or fourth week of flower.
And, I am in MG soil and MG perlite too.
What is your question?


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow when I guerilla grew I used the kind that you would mix a tbls with a gallon of water it looked like pink/red salt.It worked good for me,my plants grew bigger too you just have to make sure you flush before you harvest and you should be good


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow when I guerilla grew I used the kind that you would mix a tbls with a gallon of water it looked like pink/red salt.It worked good for me,my plants grew bigger too you just have to make sure you flush before you harvest and you should be good
What kind did you use? Mine is green powder, turns blue.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
my first grow used mg soil, perlite and green box ferts for veg and they have a pink box for flower they came out great. switched to gh flora nova for a long while now doing organic it will work and anyone who says it doesnt either sells something else or didnt read the instructions good luck.


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy who only uses mg soil, nutes u name it if mg makes it he uses it...grows nice trees but its definitely more harsh....just my .02


New Member
They have a product meant for spraying directly from your outside garden hose. It comes in little plastic bags you are supposed to drop into the spray gun and water. Come in all purpose and bloom. If you have a couple of meters, ppm and ph you can get execellent results.

Knowing where your PPM is at all times is critical whun using cheaper nutes. The manufactering standards are lower and their can be big differences from batch to batch.