Anyone Familiar with Boron Deficiency


Well-Known Member
I got a Sativa dominant 3 weeks into flower with what appears to be a Boron DefIMG_2026.JPG IMG_2007.JPG IMG_2006.JPG IMG_2005.JPG
Can anyone confirm?


Active Member
I can say that does not look like boron def no. Not enough info here, but look up iron def instead. Also, what info can you provide? If its a problem it has a reason. Help us to help you :)

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Well-Known Member
I dunno what medium your using but generally boron deficiency is pretty rare, quite easily fixed by a foliage spray of boric acid or just straight boron in a trace elements pack but I would be looking for other things first then trace element problems because most are present in soils and potting mixes and only run out of used a can get soil analysis kits, couldn't be over fertilized or wind burn by any chance?


Well-Known Member
I'm stumped my soil is organic, it has Humus,Humic Acid, Azomite (1lb per cubic foot of soil),Vermicompost, Glacial Rock Dust, Blood/Bone meal, Alfalfa meal, and Epsoma Organic tone. I give them AACT teas once a week and foliar with kelp. I just pulled the bad leaves, I'm good I have 10 more in great shapeIMG_2004.JPG IMG_2027.JPG I'm just wondering what is up with that one. She started looking sickly when I brought her outside, leaves curling up/clawing down. IDK anyone else care to chime in?


Well-Known Member
Could just be environmental damage if it was undercover or in a greenhouse/hothouse/indoor etc if it wasent 'hardend off' correctly may not of likedt a cold night or hot day or harsh wind?? Coz your soil sounds kick ass...


Well-Known Member
Could very well be. Most of the other plants are from S1's hermi seeds. The hermi gene is not very dominant so I just pick off the few naners I find. Even if a few get away I usually get like 10 seeds per plant. These are fast finishers,good yield,fire bud and it grows tuff indoors and out. That's why I keep running those S1's. That one plant was a different seed. I ate a piece of the Sat/Dom and it gave like a watermelon aftertaste. I took several clones from Say/Dom and only like 2 are doing good.


Well-Known Member
Could very well be. Most of the other plants are from S1's hermi seeds. The hermi gene is not very dominant so I just pick off the few naners I find. Even if a few get away I usually get like 10 seeds per plant. These are fast finishers,good yield,fire bud and it grows tuff indoors and out. That's why I keep running those S1's. That one plant was a different seed. I ate a piece of the Sat/Dom and it gave like a watermelon aftertaste. I took several clones from Say/Dom and only like 2 are doing good.
Well lets just hope its something as simple as that like I said your soil sounds awesome so can't imagine it would be deficient in anything? But you never know, hope it sorts its self out and you get some awesome buddy's :-D all the best dude goodluck!!


Well-Known Member
I think that nute burn is locking out nitrogen a lil.
Do a flush don't feed for like 4 days and start feeding 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
Boron Def, is so rare you must be careful to diagnose correctly, seek out the swollen root tips to confirm its boron deficiency they may be slightly pink depending of the percentage of Sativa in your plant strain, then look carefully for the tell tail in the top most bud.

But really not enough info , treat as light bleaching ?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i would check ph run off to see how high or low ph is, check ppm run off also how offten do you feed nutrients?? the plant in the first pic to the left is sick look to the right the right one looks as if it might be starting to get it to tell us if you can see that one leaf it half rusted and it swinging to your right the blade it swinging abnormal do me a favor grab a 100 x microscope and check for broad mites would you???? also aphids in the roots??? the one to the right looks as if its also starting to get stunted??? i think its nutrient burn but i cold be wrong ll

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
i would check ph run off to see how high or low ph is, check ppm run off also how offten do you feed nutrients?? the plant in the first pic to the left is sick look to the right the right one looks as if it might be starting to get it to tell us if you can see that one leaf it half rusted and it swinging to your right the blade it swinging abnormal do me a favor grab a 100 x microscope and check for broad mites would you???? also aphids in the roots??? the one to the right looks as if its also starting to get stunted??? i think its nutrient burn but i cold be wrong ll
Soil self pH's.....The pH of the run off is just that, the pH of the run off.....not the pH of the soil.....If it has dolomite lime in the mix, yer good. Besides you AACT so the pH swings should be normal......You water and the pH goes it dries back out the pH swings back down......That's normal.
I went back and looked real close....No Broad mite signs.....

I might have used Kelp meal over alfalfa and put the alfalfa in my supplemental additions to the soil and not as the base.
1 cup of azomite, not 1 lb per is what you want.
Rock dust = NOT a Boron problem!

You didn't say what strain, just Sativa dom. From the leaf structure, it looks like a cpl of strains I've run.....very nutrient fussy! Reduce your feeding....

I am NOT a believer in "flushing" soils.....simply water with straight water for a week and resume......

If you don't have Dolomite or Oystershell in your should consider a Ca/Mg supplement.....soon.

Over all, looking at the rest of the plants.....It's the fussy feeder strain thing.....

Peace on.


Well-Known Member
a pound.......of azomite in 1 cu. ft.?
check ph.........flush well.

Yes Sir.

i would check ph run off to see how high or low ph is, check ppm run off also how offten do you feed nutrients?? the plant in the first pic to the left is sick look to the right the right one looks as if it might be starting to get it to tell us if you can see that one leaf it half rusted and it swinging to your right the blade it swinging abnormal do me a favor grab a 100 x microscope and check for broad mites would you???? also aphids in the roots??? the one to the right looks as if its also starting to get stunted??? i think its nutrient burn but i cold be wrong ll
Yes plant to right is nute burned and is the only one of 11 to have it (same soil)
pH is 6.2 I never feed nutrients unless the plant shows issues. I do foliars with kelp,aloe,neem and BT. I can't find my scope goto look for it. The plant to the left is a sat/dom mainlined. A couple weeks back she split in the middle and on one side as well. I have her proped up with rocks to close the splits, it's healed.


Well-Known Member
Soil self pH's.....The pH of the run off is just that, the pH of the run off.....not the pH of the soil.....If it has dolomite lime in the mix, yer good. Besides you AACT so the pH swings should be normal......You water and the pH goes it dries back out the pH swings back down......That's normal.
I went back and looked real close....No Broad mite signs.....

I might have used Kelp meal over alfalfa and put the alfalfa in my supplemental additions to the soil and not as the base.
1 cup of azomite, not 1 lb per is what you want.
Rock dust = NOT a Boron problem!

You didn't say what strain, just Sativa dom. From the leaf structure, it looks like a cpl of strains I've run.....very nutrient fussy! Reduce your feeding....

I am NOT a believer in "flushing" soils.....simply water with straight water for a week and resume......

If you don't have Dolomite or Oystershell in your should consider a Ca/Mg supplement.....soon.

Over all, looking at the rest of the plants.....It's the fussy feeder strain thing.....

Peace on.
The strains are all fire bag seed. You may be right about sat/dom pickyness. 100% clone failure with that one. I use grandmas Molasses which has Cal/Mag. I totally recommend it.