Anyone familiar with Mother Earth Meal Mix® Grow?


Well-Known Member
Was piecing together my own soil recipe and came across this:

Looks like an amazing mix to go with my base of promix, ewc and insect frass. I was wondering if anyone has any first had experience with it?


Well-Known Member
According to the package it consists of:
Feather meal
Fish bone meal
crustacean meal
alfalfa meal
neem seed meal
kelp meal
potassium sulfate

For context, I'm thinking of adding it to my current mix
1 bale promix mp
5 gallons ewc
1 gallon frass
1.5 gallons mother earths meal mix grow
3 gallons perlite

Once i use up my current stock of promix and perlite, i plan to switch to:
15 gallons peat moss
15 gallons compost
18 gallons rice hulls
5 gallons ewc
1.5 gallons mother earth
1 gallon frass


Well-Known Member
Sorry, i messed up that final recipe, but can't edit the post. After i use up my current amendments the mix I want to switch to is:
25 gallons sphagnum peat moss
15 gallons rice hulls
10 gallons ewc
2 gallons insect frass
2 gallons mother earth meal mix grown