anyone friends with the police?


Active Member
So I was sitting here going through the threads, and was curious if anyone on here happens to be friends with the police in detroit or the surrounding areas. Interested to know what they think about the medical marijuana law.


I have a few friends and family in law enforcement in the Metro area. Most of them are o.k. with weed, they tell me that if they only find a roach or a joint on someone or in their car they will probably just let that person go as long as they act respectfully. They also tell me that the law is a step in the right direction but they wish our elected officials would straighten out the bugs so they can leave the patients alone and go after regular criminals. Most of them are not in favor of Bill our attorney general. Police don't want to crackdown on people who are trying to grow & smoke legally.;_ylu=X3oDMTEycGxkNDJmBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0g0NjVfODA-/SIG=11gro31b2/EXP=1317948712/**http%3a//


Active Member
Thats funny, yah not a lot of people are a fan of bill right now. Good to hear some police out there understand the movement. I didn't think to many people would respond. Gotta mix it up a little!!


Well-Known Member
I've never been able to get one too say much more than they rather arrest a stoner than a drunk, a stoner won't fight you. Most in my area they seem to like it, but some of the older guys seem a little more reasonable about things. Heard of LEAP?.....

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I had a friend whose uncle was a Detroit STRESS cop. He hated busting stoners because they didn't resist arrest. He had great smoke too.


Active Member
The cops I know all say they really do not care either way, but they also say "anyone that smokes and does not have a card, is an idiot". What ive taken from them is, get your card, follow the law, and we dont want to have to deal with it.


I had a friend whose uncle was a Detroit STRESS cop. He hated busting stoners because they didn't resist arrest. He had great smoke too.
STRESS was crazy, I can only imagine the stories that those guys have.

I know a handful of cops, and they all seem fairly reasonable on this front. They don't want to bust stoners and would rather be tracking down people that are actually harmful to society.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago I was pulled over in Au Gres. The officer gave me an incredible break because I have an MMJ card. I truly believe that the powers in Lansing are the ones stirring everything up, of course, for the votes.


Well-Known Member
Every day I don't get my card in the mail after months of waiting the more insecure about how smooth a interaction with an officer would go without a hard card and just having my papers.


I know, I've been in the program since late 2009 and it has always taken 5 months exactly for me to get my card. It's a pain in the ass to keep your paperwork with you until you get your card. These cards should be good for at least 2-3 yrs. People's ailments don't go away after a year, the things you got to have to get the card are lifelong conditions.


Well-Known Member
If they want people to renew their shit on time they better get us our damn cards on time, within 21 days from the date of the cashed check.


Active Member
A couple of weeks ago I was pulled over in Au Gres. The officer gave me an incredible break because I have an MMJ card. I truly believe that the powers in Lansing are the ones stirring everything up, of course, for the votes.
Yes. They are the ones stirring it up.


Well-Known Member
my uncle is a cop, a county sheriff to be a county near detroit. ive talked to him about weed quite a few times...he has lots of stories of lettin people go if he just found bud. he's all for full on legalization. he says there are quite a few cops who feel the same way.