anyone from puna to talk to


Active Member
new to this fourm
any Puna folks for chat la dat?

surfin, gardnin, smokin woof woof


Well-Known Member
aloha Puna, oahu here, kailua to be exact. i'm a newbie also,but a looong time toker. this is a great site. surf it for hours everyday and learn something new everytime. first time grower also, fighting spitermites now. bummer.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
lehua! Get some Einstein Oil for the spidermites. First bomb the joint with a Pyrethium Fogger from the hydro store. After a day mist your babbies with Einstein Oil and Cocoa Wet(to make it stick to the leaves) Use 1/2 tsp per pint of water and mist with lights off and wait for foliage to dry before turning lights back on! Mist every other day till they are gone including the eggs. Use a magnifing glass to check leaves on top and bottom. Flush with Florakleen or Clearex and wait at least 3 days before harvest and taste and flavor will not be affected. Einstein Oil is cold pressed Neem Oil! Works Great. Its expensive but its worth it! Regular Neem does not work and will ruin the taste and smell of your cannabis. I dont recomend it. I have tried the stuff!


Well-Known Member
PUNA ,, I've been there , but I can't remember where it was ,,,,,,,YEP ,been there!! In the "Aloha" spirit, this ones for you.......:bigjoint: