Anyone frusterated with lack of spots? (midwest)


Well-Known Member
So this season was a total bust :-(. My room mates weren't cool with anything going on in our place so I was forced to put out seeds which were totally destroyed by pests, not a single one survived. Fortunately however they were all mixed bagseed so I didn't waste any primo genetics. I'm still motivated to get a bumper crop next season though. My plan is as follows. I'm going to be getting a new place where I can be better prepared and have some female clones for '10. I realized that to do outdoors I'm going to have to travel further than I originally anticipated. I'm working out watering systems which can do work when I cannot. I'm hoping to do about 10 clones per plot and 5 plots. I'm trying to be ethical and not plant in farmers fields but as is typical in the midwest it seems like EVERYWHERE is a field of somesort. Are there any midwest outdoor growers who have the same problem as me.


Active Member
Well what state are you from. Because i know of dozens of fields in mn. and a couple over in WI.
Where have you been looking?


you gotta find some non-bitch roomates

especially if they would be smoking your weed with you...

if i managed to grow id be like fuck you guys you were an obstacle


Well-Known Member
...And if you were doing it right, your roommates would not even know you had a grow in your room. Mine never did.
i personally think its bad form to grow without the knowledge of those you share a roof with. what about the off chance that they go to jail too?


Active Member
i personally think its bad form to grow without the knowledge of those you share a roof with. what about the off chance that they go to jail too?
i feel the same way if something happend that would be a real dick move to have your room mates go down with u ..the cops dont care if u say they had nothing to do with it .. there just gonna laugh at all of you..


Well-Known Member
i feel the same way if something happend that would be a real dick move to have your room mates go down with u ..the cops dont care if u say they had nothing to do with it .. there just gonna laugh at all of you..
actually, even if they dont take your unknowing roomies to the clink the landlord will be throwing them out on thier ass promptly. all tenant rights go out the window in such a situation. just last tuesday a guy i know got raidied for a few pounds and his roomate got evicted the next day.


Active Member
dude in IL you can just pick a field ... but to all you "farmers" that plan on putting your weed out doors they got planes that go over head for ONE REASON and that is to spot growers.. so just a heads up


Well-Known Member
I have fields all around me but I don't pick fields cuz its easy to spot from the airplanes above. Find a cluster of trees somewhere and tuck em in there, but make sure the spot gets a solid 5 or more hours of sun everyday.


Well-Known Member
Screw that if you have fields everywhere plant in the boundaries. I know they have a few feet of shitland in between fields. Big, long patches of briers and tall weeds who's only purpose is to section off fields. Or streams that run through fields that have an area of vegetation around them. Put one here and one there all up and down the middle of that. Don't ever plant in 'plots' it'll only get you ripped or busted.