Anyone have experience with Earth Juice Nutes?

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
I decided to go organic with all future grows, and I like the reviews I've been reading about Earth Juice products. Conveniently, the local hardware store has the basic stuff for very reasonable prices. However, Bloom, Grow, and Catalyst solutions don't contain much potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, zinc, or other trace minerals, and my plants are showing a definite nutrient deficiency. There's yellowing that starts at the center leaf veins and then spreads to the edges of the leaves. This is likely due to a lack of trace minerals. Earth Juice also has something called Microblast that covers the trace nutrients, but then you still need Meta-K for potassium and a Cal-Mag supplement. Do I seriously need six different nutrient solutions every time I feed? It seems ridiculous. I'd love to hear from other growers who have used EJ products and to hear what works and what is pure hype.