anyone have experience with raspberry cough?


Active Member
I have 4 raspberry coughs, one injured raspberry cough, and one snow white growing on my deck. 3 of the r. coughs have taken off much faster than the others. I understand these things can get pretty big. Right now, they've been topped and supercropped and are over a foot tall. It's a bushy 1 foot. If these things really do triple in height, I'm thinking I should send these into bloom pretty quick. Anyone know anything about this strain?



the current canopy, of my snow whites, in my bloom room, is 2-2.5 ft above the soil(less) line. I'd like to keep it somewhere around that. The snow whites will be done in 3 weeks. here they are... just so you have an idea of the space I'm working with.



Well-Known Member
looks like you have plent of room. how do you feel about scrogging your rasberry coughs i think you could get the most that way


Active Member
I only have one grow light and its being used to bloom plants... so I can't grow a screen of green in my grow room. I would like to try that method some day though.

I have plenty of room now... sure. I'm just worried about how big raspberry coughs will get when mature.