Anyone have some HOT pictures?


New Member
Of their pepper grow last season!?!? Cant wait to start back up and make some salsa. Also i learned Fataliis are way hotter than they appear. Boy they straight kicked my ass

Some habs



Well-Known Member
I had a decent grow going last year. And I know what you mean about Fataliis. Sooo tasty though!

Trinidad Scorpion
Ripening Scorp
Gnarly looking Fatalii
Purple Serranos (ripened to red)
Unripe Fataliis
Trinidad Scorpion plant (the bigger of the two I had)
NuMex Twilight (tasted like shit, won't grow again)
Purple Serrano

I got big plans for this year. All sorts of 7pots and Bhuts and Trinidads, oh my! I had a Jamaican Hot Chocolate in a 30 gal smart pot, but it got kind of sad towards the end of the season, so I don't have any good pics of it. I'm planning on putting that and my biggest Scorpion in 65 gal pots this year.


Well-Known Member
Bhuts and Hab assort going right now. I really want to grow a Ornamental Pepper Plant (Capsicum annuum) for fun
Capsicum annuum 'Garda Tricolor'.jpg

Kramer Chids

Active Member
I don't have any pictures from last season but I do have some from this morning getting ready to head outside soon...

A little Trinidad Scorpion Moruga already getting busy.
those hot peppers are too spicy for me, BUT they are great for making an organic "pepper spray"/ insecticide for your garden plants. I blend them up and mix in a spray bottle with water, then I strain well and use the liquid...


Well-Known Member
I grew out some Butch T's last year. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT.
I have some more seeds around here somewhere but I haven't found them since I last moved. Hopefully I'll find them soon because I love the taste and smell that comes off these. Perfect for hot sauce.


Well-Known Member
No pics, but my Bhut Jolokia last year were THE HOTTEST thing I've ever experienced in my life! Took me to my knees they were so hot! Despite the molten lava coming out the back end the next day, they were a heck of a lot of fun!

I also used them for insecticide spray, worked wonders! Used my smallest bubblebag to strain for the spray bottle... DUMBASS move on my part!!!!!!!!! :fire: