Anyone heard of mammoth lights?

That Teknik guy probably lives in his moms basement and just dreams of being someone that knows what he is talking about
He doesnt even grow by the sounds of it so he would know nothing at all about lights. Need to speak to real growers like Hybridway to learn anything about lighting as he probably knows how good you lights are in terms of gardening efficiency not all those numbers the "smart people" keep using
I have watched some of the migro videos too, that guy knows his stuff and has some awesome equipment even one that shows the spectrum of a light on his phone, growers like Hybridway and migrow are the only people worth listening to regarding lights. That migrow must have some sort of farm with all the fancy equipment he has
The real shame is that the Teknik guys comments were not deleted and someone might not buy that light as its obviously fantastic as you got a good crop and migro said it was good too
No, the real shame there is no dislike button so people have to reply to you to point out that you are talking out the side of your mouth and that you are a shitstain who should lurk more. The few posts you have made here are 80% worshiping hybridway who is a nice guy but a known shill and 20% worshiping of Amare itself. The rest of us just enjoy growing a plant and are tired of this Cammie tier bullshit.
That Teknik guy probably lives in his moms basement and just dreams of being someone that knows what he is talking about
He doesnt even grow by the sounds of it so he would know nothing at all about lights. Need to speak to real growers like Hybridway to learn anything about lighting as he probably knows how good you lights are in terms of gardening efficiency not all those numbers the "smart people" keep using
I have watched some of the migro videos too, that guy knows his stuff and has some awesome equipment even one that shows the spectrum of a light on his phone, growers like Hybridway and migrow are the only people worth listening to regarding lights. That migrow must have some sort of farm with all the fancy equipment he has
The real shame is that the Teknik guys comments were not deleted and someone might not buy that light as its obviously fantastic as you got a good crop and migro said it was good too

says joe grows, member
That Teknik guy probably lives in his moms basement and just dreams of being someone that knows what he is talking about
He doesnt even grow by the sounds of it so he would know nothing at all about lights. Need to speak to real growers like Hybridway to learn anything about lighting as he probably knows how good you lights are in terms of gardening efficiency not all those numbers the "smart people" keep using
I have watched some of the migro videos too, that guy knows his stuff and has some awesome equipment even one that shows the spectrum of a light on his phone, growers like Hybridway and migrow are the only people worth listening to regarding lights. That migrow must have some sort of farm with all the fancy equipment he has
The real shame is that the Teknik guys comments were not deleted and someone might not buy that light as its obviously fantastic as you got a good crop and migro said it was good too
Get your facts straight. Teknik was banned for shit canning hydrogrow led, a one time sponsor here who got kicked out over being liers and snitches (repeated calling the police on their own customers who grew in red states). Hybridway for some reason took her serious and made a somewhat dubious side by side with hlg; when he realized that the lights were shit he got further worked over and shamed by the owner for comments he made in private. Ask him yourself if you like.
I can guarantee you tekink knows more about led lighting than almost anyone here and its kinda sad hes not here anymore cause he actually brought something to the forum (accurate testing of led chips for example thru equipment not available to anyone here unless they pay a 100s of $) although some of us still see him in another forum.

I dont know why you seem to need to clank down on someone you clearly know nothing about, and why youre in some way attached youself to these mammoth lights.
Get your facts straight. Teknik was banned for shit canning hydrogrow led, a one time sponsor here who got kicked out over being liers and snitches (repeated calling the police on their own customers who grew in red states). Hybridway for some reason took her serious and made a somewhat dubious side by side with hlg; when he realized that the lights were shit he got further worked over and shamed by the owner for comments he made in private. Ask him yourself if you like.
I can guarantee you tekink knows more about led lighting than almost anyone here and its kinda sad hes not here anymore cause he actually brought something to the forum (accurate testing of led chips for example thru equipment not available to anyone here unless they pay a 100s of $) although some of us still see him in another forum.

I dont know why you seem to need to clank down on someone you clearly know nothing about, and why youre in some way attached youself to these mammoth lights.
Pretty sure this dude is trolling hard. This sudden attachment to and adulation of Hybrid seems like it has to be a joke?
Seems like he just bashes companies he knows nothing about if you read the posts here. He probably fooled you into thinking he knew what he was talking about but he is obviously no hybridway when it comes to knowing anything about lighting.
You dont know what you are talking about.....Teknik knows lighting better than most of us and has spent his time for free educating some of us....
I'm in the market for a good led fixture for a roughly 5x6 flower area. Currently running two 600w HPS and have for ages. I've got the itch to try the newer technology. I'd been looking at the fluence lights and hlg 550 v2. I would need a couple hlg550's at 900 a piece. The fluence spyder equivalent to the mammoth 10 bar is about 1400 or higher. These mammoth 10 bars are around 900 a piece and I'd only need one. I'm hesitant to purchase from a company without much info out there. Anyone know anything about them?

I'd sooner spend a weekend in Wuhan than buy that POS.
No, the real shame there is no dislike button so people have to reply to you to point out that you are talking out the side of your mouth and that you are a shitstain who should lurk more. The few posts you have made here are 80% worshiping hybridway who is a nice guy but a known shill and 20% worshiping of Amare itself. The rest of us just enjoy growing a plant and are tired of this Cammie tier bullshit.
dont be callin me a shitstain
I'm always amazed at how a request for factual input to assist with a purchase decision get hijacked by people that simply want to vent. The first reply to this thread was an opinion that based on appearances, the product must be a horrible piece of knock off technology ... and it went downhill from there. I suppose that because the Fluence lights look similar, that they are also crappy Chinese knockoffs. What complete horseshit.
I have no idea what @tmold44 decided to do or if he/she's happy with the results but it's unfortunate they never got to pursue their initial interest in Mammoth ... which is supplying some of the largest commercial growers in the US.
Good job folks