Anyone help???


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have 4 ak 48 in soil under a 250 watt hps... i noticed last week that 2 of them were yelowing slightly... i just thought i had perhaps been more generous when folliar feeding the other 2 that look much healthier... today when i was about to feed them i noticed that the 2 that are yellowing are much heavier than the other 2 that were almost dry.... im pretty methodical when it comes to the plants so im 99% sure they have all been watered the same amounts and i rotate them every other day also so can believe i missed the considerable wight difference... Any thoughts...???



Well-Known Member
The most likely event is that you are experiencing a lockout with those two. The metabolic rate creeps along and the plants stop taking in water and nutrtients.


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend heading for a flush.....they look deficient to me. Elements like Iron, Sulphur, Magnesium,Calcium, and Nitrogen could be in short supply and all have a greening action. Is the red coloration on the stem recent? Phospho def. often causes reddening.


Well-Known Member
Ill check the run off water when i flush later tonight... I mean i keep an eye on the ph when feeding and its usually around 6...


Well-Known Member
Very well spotted from those picks... yes ther is a definate redishness to the stalks on both of the yelowing ones the other 2 are fine


Well-Known Member
to be honest... its a brand new room i just built with some left over materials as i had 4 spare clones so i have been building up the ppm slowly as they had been slightly neglected prior to going in that room 3 weeks ago.... sitting at around 1200 just now...


Well-Known Member
Here is the thing, flushing is stressfull and in mid-flowering can be a bad idea. Root zone vigor can suffer and impede development. However, if you have too much food in the soil flushing is necessary.