Anyone Know a Good Lawyer on Cultivation in NYC?


Active Member
a friend may or may not be in trouble...

needs an attorney ASAP that has experience in such matters.


I found one on the NORML website and used him but I live in Ohio. You might find one there. Cultivation charges are also possession charges so thats 2 charges right from the start. I had a 4th degree felony and got intervention in lieu of conviction. It all depends on how much it all weighs and if it was your first offence. I done know how the laws are in NYC. Good luck though. Hope you get off easy. I had a year probation, weekly drug screens, and had to go to N/A meetings 3 times a week. Really sucked.


Well-Known Member
My lawyer saved me from cultivation and weapons charges, but hes in Upstate NY let me know if i can help.
If this is a serious inquiry send an e-mail to this is an e-mail account I made in order to speak somewhere other than this bored. If you are in trouble in NYC I have quite a few connections at my disposal you might find helpful.
P.S. Please don't take the NYPD for idiots, cover your ass EVERY step of the way. They WILL fuck you. NYPD is one of if not the most aggressive police forces in the nation. I have lived in NYC my entire life, police here are corrupt and will do whatever it takes to get there way.