Anyone know how to make a cheap easy ventalation system?


Active Member
bongsmilieCan anyone help me? I need to know how to make a cheap ventalation system for a grow box i have one big fan and a pc fan that i wierd to a adapter and i can probally scrounge up some more materials.


Active Member
i would find some plastic drain pipe the same size as the fan. mount the fan to pipe and then build a silencer box over the top. dont forget to put some tights or net curtains over the end to stop insects such as white fly getting in. hope that has helped. i once made an extraction unit out of a dyson chamber and a microwave fan. done a bloody good job actually.


Well-Known Member
I dont know how cheap you need. What I can tell you is I think the best deal cfm for dollar is a duct booster. I mean real cfm, not what computer fans claim.


Active Member
go to walmart and grab a dryer vent kit($15), then home depot or lowes for a 4" in line duct fan($20). trace the inline where you want the box to be ported and cut it out. use the vent hose to vent the air outside and you got what you need. thats as cheap as it gets man. good luck!


Well-Known Member
IT all depends on what u need. Squirel cage fans are cheaper but louder. One thing I wouldn't cheap out on is air movement, it's probably the most important thing next to PH control. It will keep temps lower and provide air rich in CO2 and oxygen. You will get a better result with a 400watt in a well ventilated area than u would get with 1000watts in a stuffy environment.