Anyone know if you can use food coloring to give the plants/buds color?


Well-Known Member
remeber how back in school we put a celery stalk in sum purple food color and it absorbed the color?anyone ever tried to add sum to the water and give their buds sum cool colors?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ive use oj the last day before cut and it gives a citruc scent and very light flavor but has to be done last day or it can kill the plant


Well-Known Member
The thread is a great one however no one including yourself replied as to outcome of using natural addicitives like grape juice to produced a better smoke than the original food coloring experiment.

i started to try grape juice. straight it was to thick to be taken up. as i thinned it it started to go up the stem. then i got bored and drank the rest. i love grape juice. killer cure for cotton mouth. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I had a question like this, but i was thinking what you can do to make you're plant more potent, i thought maybe bong water, but then i switched gears... how bout mushroom tea??? or maybe some extracted lsa from morning glories. I know acid can't be smoked, or so i've heard but I've smoked mushrooms before. imagine adding that little extra mmmph with like a nice tea made from a quarter ounce of shrooms. probably not enough to make you trip, but I imagine compounded with the weed it would have a pretty noticable effect.

Mr. Bud

Well-Known Member
only a

Why not? Misting with just regular water allows the leaves to absorb more h2o . correct?

Same idea, instead of the dye traveling up through the rooting system, it would be absorbed directly into the leaves.

Mr. Bud


Well-Known Member
what's wrong with just pot?
You're just plain crazy fdd ;)

really though, dump the bong water in the toilet, drink the shroom tea, then smoke your herb. save the food coloring for the cake icing!

However, I do enjoy dusting a bud with some salvia extract from time to time:mrgreen:


Active Member
SCREW IT THEN... WHY NOT JUST PUT SOME PCP OR CRACK SPRINKLINGS ON YOUR FINISHED PRODUCT... everyone always complains about how skunk keeps you on the couch sleepy. well adding cocaine will have you retarded and running around like a lil jungle bunny/monkey.

how about gun powder at the last moment. or mabye uranium...

fuck it. how about just enjoying life... period. why do you gotta have the best shit, better than the next guy. its that kinda thought that has fucked this great country. and in case you were too stoned to understand... by "this" country i mean usa. FUCK CANADA.


Well-Known Member
oh staying way outta of this one!!!!for once im gonna sit back and see how this turns nice gents!!!!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
SCREW IT THEN... WHY NOT JUST PUT SOME PCP OR CRACK SPRINKLINGS ON YOUR FINISHED PRODUCT... everyone always complains about how skunk keeps you on the couch sleepy. well adding cocaine will have you retarded and running around like a lil jungle bunny/monkey.

how about gun powder at the last moment. or mabye uranium...

fuck it. how about just enjoying life... period. why do you gotta have the best shit, better than the next guy. its that kinda thought that has fucked this great country. and in case you were too stoned to understand... by "this" country i mean usa. FUCK CANADA.
Leave canadians outta this fuckface.:evil: were not the ones to blame.


Active Member
eat allot of iron and then use your poop pellets... its a bit messy and gooey... but i GUARENTEE youll have 5lbs plants.

fuck fox farm. and fuck canada. btw... driving to toronto this afternoon for late lunch... if anyone needs me ill be on the cell.


seriously though. canadians are pussies. if i would have said fuck america, 19 little bitches with napolean complexes would have wrote back "fuck you motherfucker ill kill you, america is blah blah blah."

anyway im a dick


Active Member
So i guess this is a speak your mind thread huh? I just wanted to no what everyone though about additives for benificialty to the plants. oj, grape juice ext..