Anyone know what adhesive works on Rubbermaid?

Muffy D

Well-Known Member
Ok I tried to upgrade my rubbermaid resevoir with a drainage valve but It leaked all over the place. At first I used silicone and it appeared to work until any pressure was put on it then it would just peel right off. I tried superglue and some rubber/plastic adhesive made especially for smooth plastic and none of it worked, even after I ruffed it up with sandpaper. I threw in the towel and just got another one but I was wondering what kind of adhesive everone uses for thier rubbermaid touch-ups?

I want to glue the airstones to the bottom but Im not sure what glue is safe and what actually works.
Ok I tried to upgrade my rubbermaid resevoir with a drainage valve but It leaked all over the place. At first I used silicone and it appeared to work until any pressure was put on it then it would just peel right off. I tried superglue and some rubber/plastic adhesive made especially for smooth plastic and none of it worked, even after I ruffed it up with sandpaper. I threw in the towel and just got another one but I was wondering what kind of adhesive everone uses for thier rubbermaid touch-ups?

I want to glue the airstones to the bottom but Im not sure what glue is safe and what actually works.


Well-Known Member
some of the tubs you just can not glue.I had to ruffed up the tub and use a hot melt glue gun with water proof glue sticks.Go to a fish store ones that build fish tanks.They use marine silcone {glue.}Not silcone sealent.Sealent is not the same as silcone glue.The atuo parts store has red rvt silcone,that stuff sticks to alot of stuff and heat will not do anything to it.Thats all I can think of at this time. PEACE


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol pvc abs cement works on it its about 2 bucks at home depot.If your making a drain try buying some rubber washers to make a good seal when you add the drain.Get an drain from a hydro shop they cost like 4 bucks used in flood and drain tables and come with the washer. They also make a special glue / plastic repair that adheres to all plastic and turns to hard plastic when dried. Can patch holes in the tub or what ever. Also you can use silicon II caulk which is non water wasable (dont get the white water washable) dries in about a day.


Well-Known Member
the plastic those rubbermaid tubs are made out of are not porous. you have to rough up the area you want to apply an adhesive to before you can apply an adhesive. use sandpaper, then use alcohol to clean the area off with. this will help out a lot.

Muffy D

Well-Known Member
Well I gave up on the I know what to use next time. I tossed the drain valve and just bought a syphon hose. I quit taking my flinstones vitamins so Im sure a mouthful of assorted elements every two weeks will give me a nice and healthy glow.

Thanks kt0s.604 for the airstone idea....its so simple its genius! works great too. And Thank you all for the responses.


Well-Known Member
Thanks kt0s.604 for the airstone idea....its so simple its genius! works great too. And Thank you all for the responses.
glad it could be of help :blsmoke: but i just cant take all the credit.....

saw it somewheres.....not too sure where though


Well-Known Member
i use the 18 galrubermaid resi i said lift an carry..not to hard unless you gotta go down stairs..i have 3 of em that i have to dump an clean an fil every 2 weeks..peace