anyone know when papaya is done outdoors?


Active Member
I've started some papayas on the deck and would like to finish them there. Nirvana lists them as indoor seeds... though other places say indoor/outdoor. I've done some reading on this strain. One website claims they are done late august into september. Another claims they are done mid to late september. Yet another one claims they are done in late october. Pretty big window. Where I live, temps in late august can be 90+ degrees (f). Temps in late october can be below 32 degrees (f). You can see my difficulty in planning this....


Active Member
perfect. thanks.

I'm not asking too specific a question. Late August into early September? Late September? Late October?

Or were you not being sarcastic? You're basically saying late September before the sun rises... ?


Active Member
mid lattitudes... 45degrees N. 14 hours of sunlight begins August 18th.

What do you need to know? I've been growing indoors for several years. This is my first attempt at outdoor growing. So I'm not a complete artard... just a bit green to outdoor growing.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what yours is looking like, but I hope it is better than the ones I grew indoors. Hardly no smell or trichomes. And it was growing right next to other Nirvana plants that were covered with trichs and smelled nice...


Active Member
I don't know what yours is looking like, but I hope it is better than the ones I grew indoors. Hardly no smell or trichomes. And it was growing right next to other Nirvana plants that were covered with trichs and smelled nice...
no buds yet... just short, very bushy, very healthy leaves, preflowers, blah. But thanks for the discouraging news ;-)


Active Member
fine. fuck all of you. Its coming indoors in a couple weeks... as soon as I have the room. Thanks for discouraging me from outdoor growing.


Well-Known Member
LOL.. Your asking people to answer a question with to broad of a range. Watch your buds like indoors, check Trichs, wait for that "Ripe" look.. Just because its outside, doesn't change how to check for its "Ready-ness"


Well-Known Member
no buds yet... just short, very bushy, very healthy leaves, preflowers, blah. But thanks for the discouraging news ;-)
I still hope yours is better. I have never tried it outdoors. I have heard others say it is good. I believe that some of Nirvanas gear is better developed that others and with this one it is just luck of the draw.


Active Member
Bro lets see a pic.. Mine started budding when light where on 16 hours a day.. I know its not suppose to do that,, but it did anyway.. mines 40 inches wide and 40 inches tall.. I really would like to see a pic so we can compare. I'll take one of mine when I go back in the flower room..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It'll be finished outdoors in the same time frame that it will be finished indoors. It is finished when it's finished. Why not keep it going outdoors and bring it indoors if it's not finished at the stage where the weather starts deteriorating?

You seem a very angry man. I mean hell, we don't even know what phenotype you have, cannabis strains are not all perfectly uniform, you could take a single strain and one phenotype could be 9 weeks the other phenotype 12 weeks. How can we possibly advise you with anything other than read up on when to harvest cannabis plants. It's pretty damned hard for us to tell you when a plant we've never seen is going to be finished by,

If we've caused you to stop growing outdoors then this is through no other reason than your own lack of understanding on the way cannabis grows.


Active Member
Here you go.. my Papaya pop seeds june 1.. Look like Im getting at least 20 Colas 10 of them 25 inches long the other ones 12 -18 Nuts have never touch her soil.... still as about 8 weeks to finish..

photo bud time Pa.jpg photo bud 2 p.jpg


Well-Known Member
Its should take the same time indoors and outdoors. If you are familiar with strain or clone you are usinv you should be able to have an idea on when it will finish. Start looking around 8 weeks