Anyone know where I can look to buy some?

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New Member
I just want to buy some good weed but only get the swag in my area? Would'nt mind just getting alot cheap. Is there like a website where I can just get emails of guys who can get me some. I although I love you growers out there keeping it real I cant grow shit...i tried it just dies and I dont have the green thumb.. Either way I'll check this sometime and anyone interested in making some cash and you live in the south..I gots this here dummy email i use send an email maybe we can work something out.or if theres like a website with a system to do this where its not all out there like this is I would appreciate the help. email is

im not a cop

or if this is a little to brazen which it more than likely will be can someone dumb down the growing process for me i got floresents which I know people say sucks but fuck i dont know where to get or how to get all that other shit and im doing this in a fucking closet so if someone could just diagram or dumb down this shit for me like a step by step thing with time line that would be cool too.


New Member
i know its fuckin retarded to ask but fuck im in the goddamn bible belt hear man and although I have got some good smoke before its always some bricked up swag and i have only had white russian ,or at least that what i was told it was it was kinda purple with some white hair on it and i had some hash a friend got me...but i would like to expand my taste you know. I dont really like other drugs ,i have done them but fuck meth is retarded and its all over down here and xanax and other scripts are driving down the bud market here in my part of the world. So fuck it can someone just give me a good grow guide "keep in mind i hate gardening and using fancy terms and shit wont work" think if you had to go to walmart and could only use floresents how would you make it work". I am pretty much at my wits end with this shit..and i hate doing the whole social thing where i go and meet people and climb the social fucking latter fuck that im busy i have money and dont want to mess with some new mother fuckers. My brother used to get me my weed and he just died so thats slowing my roll. he used to get me some exotic and i just am looking for a new hook up now. If i have too grow the shit myself so fucking be it. I went on this awesome sight called and it tell you good shit about citys and towns but the only time i got to try it was when i went to was pretty accurate.So you man im stuck out in the country which is awesome but the choices are slim and the prices are high. I figure if i get arrested fucking around like this its going to be like a 1000 dollars fine and 1500 in lawyers but if it works i could end up in a good spot with some good green. either way im in desparate need. so all of those on here thats like whoa thats fucking stupid believe me i have weighed the consequences but feel if i dont aggresively seek an outside source i will be doomed to a life of swag and shit prices.


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to ask a cop. They always know where all the best street deals are to be had.

Good luck!

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
You seem alright and I see you have 2 posts so I think I can trust you. Come to my place and I'll set you up. I am at 123 Gullible Drive, Dumbfuck,OH 01234.


Well-Known Member
say while your here come over to my crib and well try to get busted together


Well-Known Member
dude wtf.... look man gets u ur supply's first go up to the growfaq and start reading take your time learn it understand it. then figure out what the method you wanna grow (hydro or soil) type of lights order your supply's then go over to a seed bank maybe nirvana or attitude order your self some beans and do the dam thing. i never grew anything and pretty much taught myself by reading you got a pc and the internet all you gotta do is search for the knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the OP will get banned....if he doesn't remove or revise his posts. The forum is not for buying or selling weed, its for theoretical grow methods and for fun.


Well-Known Member
WOW i can't even formulate a responce to this beyond wow.... this needs to get removed and he needs to be banned if for no other reason, that he's a whole new breed of retarded that dosn't need to be posting here


Well-Known Member
AW come on fellas let's all give him our real names adresses and phone numbers, let's help the newbie out ..........HAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAA>>>>>>>>>>>wtf is this guy thinkin????????????????????????
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