Anyone know wtf this is?


Just found this little bugger in our outdoor grow, have no idea what it is our how to get rid of it. ...Any knowledge would be helpful please. ..hubs is about to snap and set the whole thing on fire ! Haha but seriously. please! 20160728_185219-1.jpg 20160728_185219-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oh and it has some weird ass antennas that come out its looking or feeling for something. ...
What's it taste like is it bitter ...gritty when you chew it ....hard or soft ...fishy tasting ....come on we gotta know these things to help you


Well-Known Member
You have no idea how to kill it??

Get a pair of snippers, and cut that fuckers head and legs off.

That's what I do at least when I see grasshoppers on the ladies.

Yesterday I cut the head and legs off a 3-4" grasshopper I seen on my moms vines, can't risk somethin like that hoppin on a lady, she would wreak havoc.