Anyone mind taking a quick look?


First off this is my first grow. So im not real sure on a lot of things and I wanna make sure they are doing good and look healthy. If anyone could take a quick look and let me know I would really appreciate it. They are Critical Sensi Star by the way.


Awesome! Thanks. I would like to put them into flower this weekend. Should I be trimming anything before I do that?

technical dan

Active Member
its lookin good to me. I was going say there may be a slight N def but I think thats due to the light in the picture. I dont think its actually there since the lower leaves are a nice green in the third pic.


yes a lil yellowing on the first pic but i think that it appears like that in the pic because of the light being on
Well there are a couple yellow spots down lower. I got them as clones from someone. Could that be from then? they didnt look so good when I got them.


Well-Known Member
they look fine
don't sweat the small stuff
i think some ppl tend to freak over every little spot or discoloration (not saying you are at all)
they look good :eyesmoke: